This is the Message Centre for Mrs Zen

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17,989 - printed and posted

Post 21

Mrs Zen

It's ridiculous, isn't it? Essentially, I've missed the train, so it won't be reviewed by the Winter Exam Board but has to wait for the Spring one. Whatever that may mean. She said "probably" so they may try to get it through more quickly.

In some ways it's nice not to have to think about it again for so long.


17,989 - printed and posted

Post 22


Hurrah! And how sensible of you to assume the printing/post/online resources would go awol. *crossing fingers that you don't have to fly south*

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Post 23

Mrs Zen

As I said elsewhere in another context, Sol, I am made of bitter experience. I also know that I handle that sort of stress really badly. I much prefer to waste my time being prepared. smiley - laugh

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Post 24

Baron Grim

Oh, but that way you miss out on the huge adrenalin rush of panic. smiley - runsmiley - yikessmiley - run

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Post 25


No, I am with Ben on this.

In _theory_.

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Post 26

Mrs Zen

I prefer to save my adreneline rushes for when I really need them. Like preparing a bid for a website.

smiley - laugh

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Post 27


I'm definitely with you on that one: be over, not under prepared. And back it up. Again. And again.

smiley - fairy

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Post 28

Mrs Zen

Autosave every 2 minutes.

Saved with a new filename every day.

Every time I saved it, I saved it on my D: drive, a Noesis USB drive, my external hard drive and in Dropbox.

There's a LOT of versions of it in a lot of places. smiley - biggrin

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Post 29

Rosemary {[(2+2+2)^2]+4+2=42}


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Post 30


"a Noesis USB drive"

Hah! I knew there was collusion, bribery and underhand goings on in the bid!

(congrats on getting both the bid and your work in though!)

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Post 31

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

There was no doubt in my mind that you would get it done, Ben. If we ever need to find someone who can move mountains, you will be the first person I think of smiley - evilgrin.

(I know a force of nature when I see one.smiley - winkeye)

17,989 - printed and posted

Post 32

Malabarista - now with added pony

Excellent news - I'm proud of you, Ben, and especially impressed that you had the self-discipline to finish "early", rather than deciding it can wait until the next last minute like I would. smiley - blush

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Post 33

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

Yaay smiley - choc

i think you deserve a relaxing bath and a very big bar of nice chocolate, and some nice wine too.

(fancy helping me write my lab report? it's only 3,000 words, and i have 4 weeks (ish) to write it)smiley - run

mini>smiley - mouse

17,989 - printed and posted

Post 34


Hurrah! And double, nay, triple hurrah! With great big shiny brass nobs on!

smiley - bubbly

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Post 35

Santragenius V

On the other hand, instead of moving a mountain just paint it pink smiley - silly

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Post 36


Very well done, my dear.
Are you feeling like mountains have been lifted off your shoulders.

Go and have some fun!

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Post 37

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Halloween must be drawing near. I don't recognize my fellow researchers' names any more. smiley - sadface

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Post 38

Baron Grim

No disguise for me... just plastic surgery. smiley - winkeye

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Post 39


A bit of face paint did the trick for me.

Hallowe'en is on Monday. Not long now. smiley - zen

smiley - fairy

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Post 40

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Sorry for being late- congrats, and well done!!

I also like to waste time and energy on being prepared. I just spent two of the most hellish days ever at work scrambling and working overtime- with a migraine- so the person who's covering my PTO on Monday and Tuesday won't actually have to do any work on my behalf. smiley - erm

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