
Boats a great things to own and very inexpensive. With a boat you can go fishing or just relax and get a tan so you look fit and healthy even though you smoke 100 cigarettes each day you are on a boat just to keep warm. The only problem with owning a boat is that your dad always goes out and spends more money on a bigger boat so yours looks stupid. Then you end up having to use his boat so that he is not upset having spent so much money on something which is not gettin used. Then you have to sell your boat and loose money on it so everyone thinks you're not the brightest penny in the well. However, there is a good side to this because you get to use a really cool boat which you could not afford and your dad gets to pay for the diesel. Not so stupid afterall.

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O Happy Day Dec 14, 1999


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Colon Data

Researcher U49871


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