A Conversation for Murphy's Law

INteresting, that you should mention this!

Post 1

Researcher 49687

Quite a while ago, there was something about roundabouts, trying to bring order to traffic.
Well, the thing about roundabouts is, they are actually, acting against this law, calles the one of Murphy!
I mean, it is a well known truth, that Murphys law is just universal. Thus, you can do as much against Murphys law as you can do against the law, which tells you, that green socks and pink trousers just don't go together! =o)

Anyway .... there is one thing, I wanted to add to all this, which is a statement, made by the al knowing, all seeing, and stil ignoring geius
Calvin, being the friend of Hobbes!
What he said was:
Life can always be better.
And, life can always be worse.
But worse is more likely!

So, being a researcher devoted to the maximes of the Guide, I am now declaring, that Calvin, as in Calvin and Hobbes, knows many a thing, which we still have to learn about.
So, you will, being a good researcher, have to go to the next book store, and read a few strips. Then, after you have had enough, to make you ponder upon things for months, you will leave the store, and come back another time!
Of course you will not buy one, since, being a good researcher, you try, to get as much knowledge as possible, while spending as little money as possible.
So ong, and thanks for the theme, Mark!
I mean, I was about to tell someting about it as well, because, studying Murphys law is just such an interesting thing to do, because, sometimes, it seems to fail. I mean the law. But htis is often only so, to make the crush afterwards the worse. It's like meeting a person, you really like, then, it seems, that she likes you as well .. so, whee's Murphys law then?
Well, it's there, when this person tells you, that she only spoke to you, so she could gather some more informations about the people she doesn't want to talk to, and generally ignores, when seen on the street.
Then, you try to shoot yourself, and, luckily, you find a guy, who sells you a gun for 10 bucks. so, you hide in a dark corner, and pull the trigger. ( Again, we may ask, where Murphys Law is).
But, the gun is a fake one, which only cost 2 bucks in any toy store.
Now, you feel even more depressed, since you are unable, to commit suicide. So, you just go off, vegetating in an other corner, which doesn't remind you of the previous episode.
And this story goes on, and on, and on, just look at yourself .. isn't life horrible?
Nope, It isn't because, some things even Murphys law can't change.
It's lik e the feeling you get, when you slept in on a Sunday, and you are feeling so very relaxed, and get the feeling, that nothin in the world could harm you right now, even not the burning eggs in the kitchen, nor thedroppings of the cat on the floor.
I mean .. that's what life is all about isn't it?
A balance between Murphys law and the beauty of ..... LIFE! =O)
Have a Pan Galactic Gurgle Blaster and a bit of This Old Yanx, but without the Alcohol, since this is haveing a bad influence on you!!
And keep smiling!

INteresting, that you should mention this!

Post 2

Colon Data

I never uderstood Calvin & Hobbes and I have read several strips. Historically I never uderstood you either - but this was at a time when I did not know you existed so I did not have the opportunity to understand you. Now I don't understand you. Do you understand Calvin and Hobbes? Life is strange these days.

INteresting, that you should mention this!

Post 3

Researcher 49687

So ... hummm .. what exactly don't you understand?
Am I that confusing?
Well ... about Calvin and Hobbes .. I guess, you might just have read the wrong ones, because .. usually, it's not that hard tounderstand ...
About ilfe, being a strange thing ...
well .. Calvin says ...
It's a funny old LIfe.

But, it's not hilarious.

Not, unless you have a sick humor ...

I mean, what is thre to get wrong?

Anyway ... glad, I could confuse you, because .... what would be life withoput a little confusion?
It would be pretty straightforward, and, you could never get stuck in the second gear .. pretending, that you are driving a car ... =o)

Well ... I'm sure, you understand this, so, I'll give you one:

INteresting, that you should mention this!

Post 4

Colon Data

Is getting stuck in second gear a bit like getting stuck at second base? Might not be so bad.
What are all the bases anyway (USA high school terminologically / gynecologically speaking)?

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