Journal Entries

Tuesday 20 June 2000

I've been the first user mentioned on the 'Who's Online' list all day. This has never happened before, and I feel incredibly special...smiley - winkeye!

The weather is remarkably awful. Heavy, but still glary, overcast, with billious clouds still visible in the gloom. It would probably be cold outside, but I've had no compelling urge to be there for the whole of today.

I think I've lost my poetry...smiley - sadface This is not the general feeling for the day, however, because I think things, really, are looking up...smiley - bigeyes I just wish that the weather could be more reflective of this feeling.

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Latest reply: Jun 20, 2000

Monday 19 June 2000

I think I'm going to put my CV up on the page, here. I need an accessible copy of my photo to do this, however, so I may have to wait for a bit. I should also (if I can remember to dig it up from the mountains of paper that infest my home world) remember to put some of my poetry on the page here. Two tasks for the interim, then...smiley - winkeye Complete page re-configuration can only be a matter of days away, I think.

I'm leaving work somewhat early today, to go to the bike shop to see if I can have a look at one of the new bike lights they're getting in. With any luck I'll be about $200 poorer by the end of the day, but I'll have a functional bike lamp, which would be a real asset.

Weather today is cloudy, and it evidently rained last night, which led to an unusually less cold morning. The clouds are demonstrating a tendency to clearing, however, so it may yet be a nice day...smiley - tongueout.

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Latest reply: Jun 19, 2000

Sunday 18 June 2000

Two weeks from unemployment - again! I have to do something on Monday about getting my resume and letters of application together. I want to do something new, but am not at all sure about how to go about it. This is frustrating.

As a diversion, I thought I would put in the journal entry I wrote for last Sunday, but never got around to putting up on my page. The comments I made then about the weather apply perfectly well to this weekend, too. I haven't been riding as much this weekend, but I am currently suffering a bit of a knee strain, and am taking it a little easy for the next week or so.

Sunday 11 June 2000

The middle of the Queen's Birthday Weekend. The ski season starts tomorrow.

Today has been a good day. The afterglow of yesterday, which saw a 70-odd kilometre ride around parts of Canberra, including a long reach up Drakeford Drive and the Tuggeranong Parkway, is still with me. The long reach up the Tuggeranong Parkway also saw a new record top speed for the HDMBH of 59 km./hr. I felt very virtuous on finishing that ride, I can tell you.

On Friday my parents gave me a "food parcel" on their way through town to the airport in Sydney, where they are going to catch a plane to Nepal. It should be an interesting trip, although they are only going to be gone for six weeks or so, this time. I am glad for the extra food - extra risotto rice and Anzac biscuits never go astray.

The house is cold, and the city in general is still in the thrall of the fast cars which have taken over the centre of town. All morning I have been able to hear the engines of said vehicles making huge noise - and this from a good 4-5 kilometres away. As I was riding across Scrivener Dam yesterday on the way down to Tuggeranong, I saw the A-4 Skyhawk fighters doing flyovers for the race. They were doing it again this morning, but I wasn't riding over the dam as they approached, so it wasn't quite as dramatic as yesterday's encounter.

The weather is good - clear and sunny - if a little cold. It has been pleasant sitting around all morning having coffee and waiting for my clothes to dry. I am still shivering, though.

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Latest reply: Jun 18, 2000

Friday 16 June 2000

This email came from my parents today:-

Just a short note to say that we have arrived safely - all flights were uneventful, though I ate too much food for comfort - and are settling in to the Durbar Hotel. This has not been without its trials, but I hope they are getting sorted out. [] set up an Internet account yesterday but it took until after lunch today (Thursday) to actually establish a connection. We think the problem has been with the hotel phoneline, but if these messages get sent out later today, then we will know that has been fixed.

I have been for quite a long walk, have managed a couple of minor purchases without problems, and crossed several roads successfully. It may even be possible to establish a membership at a pool for me. The weather could be a bit of a problem - the third lot of rain so far today has just begun, but the falls don't seem to have lasted too long - though we both have umbrellas, and I brought my old and dirty sneakers for walking in puddles.

I will write in more detail very soon, but it seems we are back in touch with you and that is good for me to know. Cheers -

Ten points if you can work out which city they're writing from!

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Latest reply: Jun 16, 2000

Thursday 15 June 2000 II

It's not often that I feel like singing the praises of multinationals, but the company who makes the blood testing machines I use has done me a good turn today.

My machine stopped working - wouldn't even turn on - some time before I tried to do my lunchtime test. I was confused by this, as I've only had it for a month or so, and it hasn't malfunctioned at all before now. Fortunately, however, the number for the company's help line is stencilled on the back of the machine. I rang them and puzzled them considerably by relating what had occurred, but they succeeded in fixing the problem by having me reverse the batteries and click the on/off switch a couple of times before turning the batteries back the right way and turning the machine on, whereupon it started to work again.

I like it, and find it sufficiently unusual to warrant comment, when people who you rely on to look after you in this way - especially given that the only relationship between you is financial - actually do. Also, now that this has been recorded thusly, I may remember how to fix the problem next time it occurs...smiley - tongueout!

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Latest reply: Jun 15, 2000

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