Journal Entries
Wednesday 28 June 2000
Posted Jun 27, 2000
I got an article on the headline spot of the front page! And it was one I wrote, too! I am mightily chuffed...! I'm not so sure many other people are going to get much out of it, but at least I've got a good excuse to invite a few more people over to look. I'm glad that the PTB finally found the article, although it still doesn't explain where the others that disappeared went.
I'm also impressed because, so far, I have a hundred-percent success rate with submitted articles - I write it, it gets published. Quite why this is the case is beyond me, as there is some other good work out there, and I've only submitted three articles, anyway. I suspect that this might have something to do with it - don't say anything unless you are sure of what you want to say, is probably the message to take from that.
The weather is lovely, and the day is that much better for the fact that I've achieved something, potentially something quite important...!
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Latest reply: Jun 27, 2000
Monday 26 June 2000
Posted Jun 26, 2000
Traditional, or accepted, Mondayitis was compounded for me today by an unaccustomed housewarming party on Saturday night. Great party, but I think I had a total of about four hours' kip that night, undertaken mostly on the floor of the new house while the party raged on around, over and on top of me. The worst part of kipping during a party, I discovered, was that when you wake up, revitalised and ready to go, everybody else is on the verge of falling asleep and very, very disoriented. I watched the sun rise, and wished that it was me who owned the house, which was fantastic. I was three hours late getting to work today, following a 35km ride - to work off some of the drunkenness (anyone understand the inherent contradiction of 'post-drunken rationalisation'...?) - yesterday.
I think I've decided that I want to be an editor, properly. I want to be paid for writing and helping other people write, as well as to make use of the incredibly extensive information skills I have available to me. I want to learn about web programming. I also want to write about some things which are important to me. I also want to move domicile, again. I am only at the beginning of planning to achieve these things, but the desire is there.
Weather is fine, blue sky, light cloud. The heavier cloud and sky are holding themselves in reserve for later in the week, but the high pressure cell over this part of the country may yet see a fine week, anyway.
"Next we were movin' on..."
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Latest reply: Jun 26, 2000
Friday 23 June 2000
Posted Jun 22, 2000
To counteract yesterday's sudden depression, I recalled at work this morning an incident which I had hitherto forgotten about, but which ranks as one of the more unusual in my life.
In 1996, when I was living in Petersham, I was in a house full of British expats - three republican Irish, one English and a spare Aussie. It was a good house, but the English-Irish couple eventually decided to move into slightly less cramped quarters, and we substituted another Englishman who was available at that time. This guy knew a few people, and before long we found ourselves at a rave in Newtown, where, as I was jumping and swaying around in my typically uncoordinated and undisciplined ravy way, another of my friends ran past me, naked, with streamers in her hair and streaks of paint all over her body. I smiled one of the biggest smiles I can ever remember making, and as I think about it now, I'm smiling again...
She caused a bit of a stir, that girl. I wonder where she is now...?
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Latest reply: Jun 22, 2000
Thursday 22 June 2000
Posted Jun 22, 2000
Despair, loneliness and puzzlement.
All these have come on me suddenly, after lunch, in the bleakness of an overcast, blowing cloudy day. The birds are still moving, outside, though, so I guess it's not going to rain.
P'raps a cup of coffee will go some of the way to cheering me up, but I suspect not. I think I am just bored and unchallenged by what I am doing, and I am concentrating far too hard on what I want, without thinking about how to achieve it.
I miss a woman I have never met...
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Latest reply: Jun 22, 2000
Wednesday 21 June 2000
Posted Jun 21, 2000
I've found some of my poetry! I am quite pleased about this, becuase it would be nice to find out how it affects people, assuming they actually want to look. The first two poems I found are among the older ones I've kept, but I've edited them for the more obvious errors and they are here now:-
The Beauty -
On the frustration of commuting -
I think I'll set up a dedicated page of my own poems, once I've been able to track down a few more of them. Could be interesting.
Weather is nice, although still a bit cloud-blown. The sky is at least blue, though. I should really get some work done...
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Latest reply: Jun 21, 2000
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