This is the Message Centre for shazzPRME

My Sex Life

Post 121


.....what is the problem Garibaldi?? race over where?!!

My Sex Life

Post 122


Yeah, what problem...??

My Sex Life

Post 123


oh dear!!...what is going on!! This seems to have degenerated into a race.......but none of us appears to know where we are racing to!!
smiley - winkeye

My Sex Life

Post 124


It's neglected, could do with a bit of fresh air, does not really know what's going on at the moment, etcetera. I just luv a good riddle Mom...smiley - smiley

Keep on smiling people...


My Sex Life

Post 125


Yes....but so nice to see you back TM.....I'm sure that a subject will present itself soon smiley - bigeyes
shazz smiley - winkeye

My Sex Life

Post 126


Onononononooo ! I vas talkink about ze zurprize mon cherie...
Alzough I somezimes feel like zat but who doezn't...

smiley - smiley TM.

My Sex Life..and why I'm not insecure!

Post 127


........I am so chuffed that you see fit to include me in your friends ,but how can I convince you that I'm not insecure.....better pack your bags and get over here quick sunshine smiley - bigeyes
shazz smiley - winkeye

My Sex Life..and why I'm not insecure!

Post 128


Wellll, ofcourse, I am honoured.
If you're quick you could still book a trip to Koutouloufari(Crete). I'm going there september 9. I'll be gone for about 8 days. I've been there before so I know my way around...


My Sex Life..and why I'm not insecure!

Post 129


WOW....I'd love to!!!....but I fear that I would be in deep trouble at school if I'm not there to greet the little darlings after their long holiday....make the next trip at the end of October....and we'll see smiley - bigeyes
shazz smiley - winkeye

My Sex Life..and why I'm not insecure!

Post 130


I might even go to England then(and that's no joke, really it's not)...

My Sex Life..and why I'm not insecure!

Post 131

shazzPRME me and tell me more.....or get on icq or gooey and tell me even more smiley - bigeyes
shazz smiley - winkeye

My Sex Life..and why I'm not insecure!

Post 132


I believe I read somewhere that it's on your page, I'll go look for it...smiley - winkeye

TM(Transnorthsea Mail).

My Sex Life..and why I'm not insecure!

Post 133


Indeed it is smiley - winkeye
shazz smiley - winkeye

My Sex Life..and why I'm not insecure!

Post 134


You've got mail !!!

Always wanted to say that just once LOL smiley - winkeye

TM(The Mailman)

My Sex Life..and why I'm not insecure!

Post 135


LOL.......*holds breath in eager anticipation*
shazz smiley - winkeye

My Sex Life..and why I'm not insecure!

Post 136


Oh it's nothing really...*false modesty Noooo*

Yeah well if you miss me in a couple of minutes ; this guy here HAS to go to sleep soon or I'll have big problems tomorrow staying awake during that bit of programming I have to do...smiley - bigeyes It's sad because I'm not really tired...


My Sex Life..and why I'm not insecure!

Post 137


It helps if h2g2 doesn't start playing strange tricks as your email address!!
shazz smiley - winkeye

My Sex Life..and why I'm not insecure!

Post 138


Ah sorry about that. Keeps a lot of unwanted automatic replymail from my doorstep. You should send it to [email protected]
Garantueed to work...

TM smiley - winkeye

My Sex Life..and why I'm not insecure!

Post 139


Oops my spelling...

TM. smiley - bigeyes

My Sex Life..and why I'm not insecure!

Post 140


ok..yes..have got that now smiley - bigeyesNow I can say *you have mail* LOL
shazz smiley - winkeye

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