This is the Message Centre for njan (afh)

The Njan Fan Club

Post 301

Peter aka Krans

Don't ask. Or look at my website.

The Njan Fan Club

Post 302

njan (afh)

long-standing private in joke. nm. smiley - winkeye

The Njan Fan Club

Post 303

Peter aka Krans

D*mn right it is.

The Njan Fan Club

Post 304

njan (afh)

what was the speed of that quaint little laptop of yours again, Krans? smiley - biggrin

The Njan Fan Club

Post 305

Peter aka Krans

550 smiley - biggrin

But soon I'm getting a new computer.

The Njan Fan Club

Post 306

njan (afh)

How cute. Exactly a quarter of the clock ticks of mine. smiley - tongueout.. and mine's a proper processor.. and a desktop processor, no less.

(sorry.. I'll get this out of my system eventually. I just like the 1337ness having a powerful new computer entails. smiley - biggrin)

*has brought it into work, and has it on his desk next to the pathetic 1GHz workstation, and is listening to his 10gb mp3 collection that, having only got the computer yesterday night, has already been transferred onto his laptop* smiley - biggrin

You have to be top of the office foodchain to get a laptop in here, so the fact that I'm a minion and I have a really NICE laptop is getting me the strangest (jealousest.. buah-ha-ha-haaa) looks. smiley - laugh

how're you? smiley - smiley

The Njan Fan Club

Post 307

Suz - *is gone*

...yooouuu'll get bored of it sooner or later....

or maybe sooner than you think!

*rummages around in her drawer*
*picks up something and puts her hands behind her back*

You'll cast it away when you beholddd....


*throws her head back manically and MWUAHAHAHAHA's to her poor little hearts content!!*

The Njan Fan Club

Post 308

njan (afh)

Yes. Obviously. (he types on his beautiful laptop)

smiley - cuddle

smiley - angel

The Njan Fan Club

Post 309

Suz - *is gone*

....*grr* ...*thinks*

Ok, will you be brining your laptop here?

The Njan Fan Club

Post 310

njan (afh)

Do I even have to dignify that with a response? smiley - biggrin

The Njan Fan Club

Post 311

Suz - *is gone*

well, i shall set my mind to finding a way to help you put it down..

*mauahahahha smiley - devil*

The Njan Fan Club

Post 312

Peter aka Krans

*shakes head in bemusement*

The Njan Fan Club

Post 313

njan (afh)

*holds a cloth over Krans's head and watches as he self-polishes to a superb shine*

smiley - run

The Njan Fan Club

Post 314


*grin* Hello.

The Njan Fan Club

Post 315

njan (afh)


hi, pegasus.. how're you?

The Njan Fan Club

Post 316

the Shee

Hi Pegasus!

Njan, why are you sorry?

The Njan Fan Club

Post 317

njan (afh)

umm.. meh.. doesn't matter.

The Njan Fan Club

Post 318

Peter aka Krans

*Removes cloth and smiley - grrs at Njan*

The Njan Fan Club

Post 319

njan (afh)

*smiles sweetly and prepares to smiley - run*

The Njan Fan Club

Post 320

Ming Mang

Ooh look, I'm listed on Njan's page and I wasn't a few days ago. smiley - smiley

Hello everyone. smiley - smiley


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