Jefferson Powers
If there is one word that could be used to describe my life, it might be frustrated. Frustrated writer, frustrated artist, and currently a frustrated shopkeeper. About three months ago I opened a comic book shop, not because comics are a growth industry (just the opposite) or because it would make me a lot of money (just the opposite), but simply because I've always wanted to. That and I have so far been woefully unsuccessful at finding any kind of career that is satisfying in any meaningful way. So why is this frustrating, you might ask? You're finally doing what you always wanted to do, what's so frustrating about it? Well, fundamentally, nothing, other than the fact that comic books are a frustrating business to be in, particularly now. For more on that, see my upcoming entry on the Comic Book Industry (coming soon, I hope).
I also make an extremely modest second income as a photographer of female nudes. This is not frustrating in any way. In fact it is quite nice and would be perfect if only I could make a proper living at it. For more on that, see my upcoming entry on Fine Art Photography (also coming soon, I hope), or have a look at my website:" > .
Conversation Title | Latest Post | Latest Reply |
Over a year ago? | Jul 16, 2000 | No Replies |
Milton and nudity | Jun 23, 1999 | Jul 19, 1999 |
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