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Milton and nudity
Jefferson Started conversation Jun 23, 1999
Some time ago I was offered the chance to
illustrate a book for a small publishing company
that specializes in limited leatherbound editions
of books whose copyrights have fallen into the
public domain. My brother has been working for
this company for the past year, doing drawings
to accompany a series of volumes of Arthur Conan
Doyle's Sherlock Holmes novels and stories. My
brother told me that this publisher might be
interested in my work as well, but since my work
consists primarily of artsy photographs of nude
women, I was at a loss as to what sort of
"classic literature" might be appropriate.
Then it hit me: John Milton. Paradise Lost.
Takes place in the Garden of Eden, right? Lots
of opportunities for nudity there. So I've just
spent the entire day pouring through Milton's
incredibly dense verse, attempting to find imagery
that I might be able to reproduce in a photo-
illustrative format.
Surprisingly, I've found quite a few, only some
of which will require me to delve into the murky
world of male nude models, an area I have almost
no experience with. I've even managed to line up
a photo shoot tonight with two models, so I can
get started while the ideas are still fresh. We'll
see how it goes.
Milton and nudity
Lensman Posted Jul 19, 1999
A picture is worth a thousand words or so 'they' say someone said. I wonder what these pics are like? Are they on the web somewhere?
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Milton and nudity
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