This is the Message Centre for Slug

Hey there

Post 1


why the name change? i got quite confused there for a while.

curious span

Hey there

Post 2


Well I could go on about breaking the chains of patriarchy, but I'd be lying.

Actually I just got bored. I needed a new look to the web page, and so getting rid of the "Mr" just seemed right. No idea why I chose it in the first place to be honest. Certainly not to assert my masculinity - I can do that by smashing bottles on my head.

If you're still looking for cool things for your page (which is looking rather spangly I must admit), why not add a counter? It's violently easy (this is coming from someone who has difficulties with electric woks) and makes you truly paranoid about who is looking at you. Just click on my counter to get one similar; any worries, gimme a yell.

Hey there

Post 3


Oh, one other thing: I finally got round to adding your link to my page. Hope that's orlroyte.

Hey there

Post 4


Hey thanks for the link - it's a pretty damn cool one i must say. i was going through big ethical dilemmas over stealing your counter, decided not to, and it paid off because you told me how to get one anyway - thanks! i don't know if i want to get depressed at how few people are visiting my page. although i have to say there's a fair few going through yours.

Hey there

Post 5


All a trick of the light I'm afraid; it registers one count every time you reload your own page. Therefore a large amount of my "audience" is just me taking 50 attempts to get the HTML right. Still, that isn't all bad - there's nothing wrong with a bit of false publicity. If Everybody Else Is Reading it Why Can't I?

Hey there

Post 6


Bit like that newsroom poll about preferred PM - i wouldn't be surprised if it has eclipsed the population of NZ by now - I reckon all the political parties have probably employed people on some ridiculously low wage to just sit there and vote endlessly (one of my more computer minded friends suggested they probably just invented a programme to do it for them.) Still, it's gotta cheer you up lots. The counter i meant. Not the poll.

Hey there

Post 7


A similar thing happened with the Time 100 poll (most influential person of the century); some US football player (I think) managed to get to the top (above Hitler, Churchill, Kennedy et al) by underhanded means.

And yes, I am glad about the counter - but only because I managed to do it by myself. (My computer geek friend is currently in Sydney, and I would like to prove that any idiot can do his job.)

Hey there

Post 8


I think I will eventually bow to the pressure (entirely self-induced) and put a counter in. Your's was nearly up to a hundred last time I checked, and I could do with that kidn of affirmation smiley - smiley

Hey there

Post 9


Hmm. When I get lonely I just hit "reload" lots.

Hey there

Post 10


My brain is about to explode! No not the monkeys agains! Spam!

Hey there

Post 11


okaaaay - where did you come from?

Hey there

Post 12


The planet dasfreythbg343455 in the twanko system

Hey there

Post 13


oh that answers everything - but how did you get here?

Hey there

Post 14


By hydrocloric moose ejector bag packet tree lampost sandwich! Or was that on tuesday?!

Hey there

Post 15


you definitely out-weirded me there smiley - smiley

Hey there

Post 16


Yes! and i will again damn you! nehahahaha!!!!!

Hey there

Post 17


Dude, you are seriously f*cked up.

Being weird is one thing, writing words out of a thesaurus is another. (Bottom fish trouser dog etc.) In my opinion (and my opinion only, mind you), saying "Hey! I'm really weird and far-out crazy!" is about as contradictory as saying "Hey! I'm a trappist monk who has taken a vow of silence!". So let's get some syntax and diction going again in this forum, please.

I'm allowed to say these things as it's my page, and I'm back.

Hey there

Post 18


syntax and diction, yummy smiley - tongueout

Hey there

Post 19


Well some sort of standards have to be maintained, don't they?

PS - Good luck for all those horrible second year exams. I think my torts exam was probably the worst three hours of my life...

Hey there

Post 20


thanks for reminding me - contract tomorrow morning - it's open book but considering i only just passed the test, i'm just praying for a pass. it's public i'm really worried about (next wednesday). ah well, just think i'll be on holiday over a week before all my friends because the law school is so wonderfully generous with its timing. (grrr).

thanks though, just a bit bitter about it all right now. smiley - smiley
ps maybe there'll be an earthquake like there was for yours, except bigger, and the roof caves in, but it doesn't hurt anyone, but we're all so shaken that we get aegrotat passes for all four papers! well a grrl can dream - btw we don't get earthquake warnings up here, how quaint.

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