This is the Message Centre for Slug

Hey there

Post 41


oh dear - can you imagine?!

Hey there

Post 42


aha, praps he's already here & we just havn't noticed him...

Thats got you all looking around in fear ,hasn't it. smiley - smiley

I think we'd have spotted him by now!


Hey there

Post 43


maybe he's just watching us and hasn't fully joined the fold yet


Mahir Cargi!

Post 44


Well I've done some research on the enigmatic Mr Cargi, and my results are here:

It's actually far more widespread than I anticipated. Expect "Mahir" to be as infamous as Teletubbies, Pokemon and Britney Spears within a matter of weeks.

Hey there

Post 45


Just an update on the Turkish stud.

He's now had well over the million hits.

And you have to see his original page before you see that Flash one. Makes it even funnier.

Hey there

Post 46


Mahir has recently made coverage in the Boston Globe, London Observer, Salon, and The Onion.

Hey there

Post 47


He's everywhere! What a nutter - just goes to prove the amazing power of the internet.


Hey there

Post 48


And to think the internet could be wasted on world peace, education and development.

(Thankfully we have emoticons, porn and Mahir Cagri instead.)

Hey there

Post 49


oh don't be silly, then it could actually do some good in the world and we wouldn't want that, it's not very economically productive - do you know how much money can be made out of a simple oil spill? smiley - winkeye


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