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Hey there

Post 21


Thank God for open book exams.

I had my first closed book exam in three years this morning - it was really weird. I can't remember how to remember things. And seriously how realistic is a closed book exam anyway? When in your life is your boss going to come into your office and say: "Billy-Ray (if that is your name), I have a problem for you to solve. You have three hours to do it in, and may not talk to anyone about it or look in any reference material. If you wish to go to the toilet, please raise your hand." As if.

We also don't often get earthquake warnings, but on Tuesday they must have found the oldest exam supervisor ever (where do they get these people? Nursing home day trips?!) who was probably doing the same job during the Napier earthquake in the '30s.

Good luck all the same. Remember: offer and acceptance. You can't go wrong. (Incidentally, I have one exam to go. Ever. Ever. Ha ha.)

Hey there

Post 22


And I seem to have scared off the looney. Shame...

Hey there

Post 23


they do raid the nursing homes - how else would they find people to do such a tedious job? i once had this latin exam many years ago where despite the fact that there were three of us in the class, all sitting ten metres apart, she insisted on walking around and around us for the whole two and a half hours.

actually maybe they use the exam supervision as a test for borderline mental patients to see if they are ready to be released into the real world?

good luck to you too, although you won't need it ever again (well special exam good luck anyway) so could you hand it back once you've finished with it? i don't mean to be miserly, but i could use it back once you're done. ta smiley - smiley
ps actually sometimes i think my boss would like it if we put our hands up and asked before we went to the toilet, but we'd just laugh so hard that i don't think he'd try it.

Hey there

Post 24


Yes they do.

If I may state the following.

I've finished my last exam about one and a half year ago, Not ever felt the urge to use the bathroom and i still feel good about it.

My worst three hours were when I gave up smokin', drinkin' and sex.

Now tell me what I should do with my life.

Hey there

Post 25


no earthquake warning - and no earthquake, damn.

Hey there

Post 26


Hey i'm way out crazy mad! shut up!

Hey there

Post 27


ZeroZero: You haven't used the bathroom for a year and a half? I don't think that's healthy.

DJGP: Prove it.

Hey there

Post 28


should i give you two some gloves and start timing the round?

Hey there

Post 29


I second those two, and will add B*Witched, and all Boy Bands.

Rather than send their music into space, why not just launch them?

Hey there

Post 30



So that's what you get for trying to be clever and have lots of windows open at once - replying to the wrong forum. Undoubtedly Spanner you will realise where this was supposed to be; for others try

I apologise deeply for my stupidity. And for being mean to the "looney".

Hey there

Post 31


that's alright, i was a little confused, but now i'm aok again smiley - smiley

Hey there

Post 32



Stupidity comes very easily to me. It's a gift.

Hey there

Post 33


oh come on - you've been to icarus - it doesn't come to you as easily as it comes to soooooo many others smiley - smiley

Hey there

Post 34


Fair enough. Thanks, I suppose.

Speaking of stupidity, check out this:
A friend of mine sent it to me, and apparently it's deadly serious. So if you're ever in Turkey... (I am thinking of making a special trip.)

Hey there

Post 35


what amazes me is that his counter is on 565195. good grief! and did you notice that none of his photos actually have any women in them? hmmmmm.

thanks for the laugh smiley - winkeye

Hey there

Post 36


I suspect of those half a million people, a large proportion of them visited to laugh at him, as we did.

Do you think it would be mean to give the address to all of h2g2? I mean, there may be some genuine interest for Turkish table-tennis playing ladies' men out there.

Hey there

Post 37


Turkish! hahahahahaha turkish delight! oh........................................ i wet myself!

Hey there

Post 38


that turkish guy was a nutter! I went to the xoom page and laughed my head off!

wow, cheers for that, I needed a giggle!


Hey there

Post 39


well there's not much left to say after a mad turk with a penchant for table tennis and horizontal dancing. good grief, what's the internet coming to smiley - winkeye

Hey there

Post 40


I am currently in the process of tracking down just HOW I got sent this address. It was from a friend from a friend from a friend... but then it gets a bit hazy. I shall report back to you on the results.

Has anyone considered emailing him and telling him to sign on to h2g2? If not, then I might.

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