This is the Message Centre for BOFFIN(R43098)


Post 1

Hand of Bod, ACE

ok, so everyone is entitled to their own opinion but that is going too far. you are not only sick, but a fascist also. not wishing to imply a cranial deficiency, eh? bollocks. rot in hell


Post 2

Mr. Shower Touchie

This entity is obviously not a sick person. The entity has not said anything offensive (or at least nothing that would offend an intelligent, reasoning person), and what it has stated is a matter of fact. Women can't figure out men because they overshoot, thinking that men are more complicated than they actually are; men can't figure women out because they are too complicated for men to figure out; men understand other men because THEY ARE THE SAME SEX (ditto that with women). Besides, the author of that entry has not claimed any personal or moral opinion on the subject of homosexuality--it has simply stated an obvious psychological fact. We'll see you in court.


Post 3

Hand of Bod, ACE

eh? excuse me, but am i not entitled to my own opinion in this matter? i have not criticised his orientation (it may have seemed this way but i assure you this is not the case). i am no bigot, but i was irritated by his insinuation that all heterosexual relationships are inherently wrong in some way, viz. that the partners do not really understand each other. i am staight and i have no desire to kick you in the nuts. as for seeing me in court, have i done anything wrong? i have nothing against gay people, it's just not my thing. both of you have stated an opinion, and i have stated mine. now let's be reasonable about this shall we?


Post 4

Mr. Shower Touchie

Yes, I think we shall be reasonable about it. The thing about seeing you in court was an absurdity-- I just like the way it sounds, really. First of all, I'm a heterosexual; your point of view on sexual orientation seems to be the same as mine anyway, so I'll leave that whole steaming pile of subject alone before I ramble and say anything else that doesn't make sense. I didn't catch the insinuation to which you refer, but I guess I just read the article differently. In fact, logic states that everything about heterosexual relationships is inherently correct, since neither men nor women can perpetuate the race without their respective opposite sex. I just thought that the author's entry was simply matter-of-fact, and what's more, I think it is true. I was just interested in talking facts, really, and got off on a tangent. If this subject is truly interesting enough to you to take time about it, I'll be glad to use some more of mine in order to talk about the philosophical and psychological reasons for the author's case, which may actually be interesting. Anyway, my original point was that from the vantage of the author, and his/her reasoning being [seemingly] scientific and not personal, there was no reason to call him/her a sick person. Wheeeeee!


Post 5

Hand of Bod, ACE

yes, i was over reacting a bit there. i have a very short temper and this was augmented by it being a rather shit day. i apologise to all concerned. peace smiley - smiley.


Post 6

Mr. Shower Touchie

No prob, dude! Bad days suck! Cheese in a can rules! Oh, by the way, is this thingy over or what? I don't know how anyone manages with this thing at all...the Guide is tremendous, y'know?

the guide

Post 7

Hand of Bod, ACE

this is probably the greatest website ever. we have a filter thing on this network which prevents chat sites, so whenever it's cold/wet/both outside (a frequent occurence - i live in scotland) and you want to get out and meet people you can't unless it's here. which is no bad thing as most of the people i've encountered here are very cool indeed. smiley - bigeyes

the guide

Post 8

Mr. Shower Touchie

Ah, I see. You see, until I started with these forums very recently, I was just trying to make entries about a few neglected bits, such as cows, jerky, Tennessee, and the Bible Belt. I think I'm starting to get the hang of it a bit now, though. You're right, it's pretty groovy. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Hey, s'alright, 'cause...hey! Yeah!

the guide

Post 9

Hand of Bod, ACE

that sounded painful. here, you sound like someone who enjoys a good giggle. get a load of this. bit of a recurring theme there but it's amusing for at least a few minutes anyways. have fun smiley - bigeyes

the guide

Post 10

Mr. Shower Touchie

Hey, I liked that site, dude! Kigazz! I'd like to share one of my favorites with you now:
If you like inane, whacky stuff, then you might find my site amusing. If you don't like that crap, you may actually like some of the sfuff on the links. So, like,!

the guide

Post 11

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

So pleased to see you guys have kissed and made up!

the guide

Post 12

Hand of Bod, ACE

just a bit of a misunderstanding

the guide

Post 13

Mr. Shower Touchie

Oiy. My, how time has flown since that whole thing began and ended. I must have killed at least a hundred people just by breathing more than my fair share of air since then. Something to think about.

the guide

Post 14

Mr. Shower Touchie

Okay...but how did someone reach my home page on Angelfire through this thing?? There's not a link to it, is there??

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