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The Flying Headbutt

Post 11341

McNamara That Ghost

It's true Jack, yet the expectancy is to be more austere in order to pay off a deficit that can't be paid off? smiley - erm It's only because we're humans this has happened. You don't see dogs complaining of a financial meltdown. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11342

jack white

Dogs have a great life, Mac.

First of all they've got human servants. After all, if someone serves you food every day that person is your servant, right? smiley - erm

And they have no financial or football worries. You never hear of a dog committing suicide or being treated for stress.

That whole dying at the age of 13 or 14 is a bit of a bummer but still, while they're around they've got no worries and servants to look after them.

Lucky sods. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11343

McNamara That Ghost

They live a fuller and happier life in those 14 years than we do in 80.

smiley - grr

We're cursed by supposedly being more intelligent. I think dogs have the right idea though, they don't even have to clean themselves. They just get their owner to do it. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11344

jack white

They don't even have to chat up the opposite sex in order to shag them, Mac.

They just go over and get on with it. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11345

McNamara That Ghost

Yeah no concern of whether somebody likes them, no stress there. And if they don't, they'll just find another dog to do it with. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11346

jack white

They don't even have to waste time cuddling them and making small talk afterwards.

They just go home so their servant can serve up their grub. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11347

McNamara That Ghost

And then after that, they can sleep. Wherever they want. For hours and hours.

smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11348

jack white

At least you have that one thing in common with dogs, Mac. smiley - grr

Not the servants or the shagging or the worry-free existence. Just the sleeping. smiley - whistle

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11349

McNamara That Ghost

The difference is Jack, when I am actually up, I need to do things, like get food. A dog just needs to get up to change its position.

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11350

jack white

They have it sussed, Mac. smiley - grr

We think we're superior to them because we go to work and worry about things and spend our time building vast cities in which to worry whereas they just doss around having a good time all day.

We've got it all arse about face. They probably thingk they're superior to us for the very same reasons. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11351

McNamara That Ghost

And they're probably right. smiley - grr I bet they think during the day, if I act all excited when my servants come back, they'll think I have been suffering all day without them. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11352

jack white

That's why I'm not getting a dog, Mac.

I don't want to be somebody's servant. Not an unpaid one anyway. smiley - grr

Anyway, I'm sticking to my promise of leaving at lunchtime. I'm off on Monday too. smiley - biggrin

Have a good weekend. smiley - ok

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11353

McNamara That Ghost

See you on Tuesday Jack. Hope the Euro 2012 draw doesn't provide too many tears. smiley - whistle

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11354


Morning All,

you managed the whole dog conversation without mentioning the ability to lick their own balls??

What's going on?

Anyways had a very quiet weekend until my friends arrived yesterday and destroyed it all - with their drinking, and playing guitars, dancing and stuffing their faces smiley - laugh

Good job there was only two of them or my head would really be thumping smiley - laugh

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11355

McNamara That Ghost

We're not perverts PSD. smiley - grr Afternoon. smiley - ok

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11356

jack white

Yeah, PSD, we're not perverts. smiley - grr

Well, not always anyway. smiley - erm

Morning all. smiley - ok

Getting back to work on the Tuesday after a Monday off is a million times worse than going back in on Monday. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11357

McNamara That Ghost

Aftenoon people. smiley - ale

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11358

jack white

Afternoon Mac. smiley - ok

Nice nap? smiley - grr

Nice to be able to put our feet up and relax knowing that Chelsea fans are bricking it. smiley - biggrin

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11359

McNamara That Ghost

True Jack, I'm not sure what to watch though - if I watch the Chelsea game the Football Gods will probably be confronted with Valencia getting hammered. smiley - grr

Even so, it's nice to have a dead rubber. smiley - ok

The Flying Headbutt

Post 11360

jack white

Yeah, I'm not really expecting a happy ending at the Bridge tonight but at least the knowledge that Chelski fans will be biting their nails at least until they go 2 up while we're lying back on mataphorical lilo smoking a metaphorical cigar is pleasant. smiley - ok

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