This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10381


Morning All smiley - ok

Its officially Autumn - its hissing down here smiley - grr

Still its Friday smiley - ok although I will be here on Monday smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10382


Suppose you will probably need Monday off to recover of the humiliation of a trouncing in Croke Park smiley - whistle

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10383


There won't be any trouncing in Croke Park. smiley - grrsmiley - grr

It will be a narrow defeat. smiley - sadface

And every mucksavage in the office will be grinning from ear to ear on Monday even though none of them are from Kerry. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10384

McNamara That Ghost

Afternoon people. smiley - ok

Yup I actually got up in the morning today.

Jack, are you watching Ireland's match tomorrow morning in the pub? smiley - ale

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10385


I doubt if I'll make it to the pub by 9.30, Mac. smiley - erm

Making it out of bed by 9.30 will be quite an achievement. smiley - grr

Ireland set to be stuffed by the Aussies on Saturday and Dublin almost certain to be beaten by Kerry in the Gaelic football final on Sunday. Bad times. Arsenal will probably do their best to make it a hat trick of defeats for me this weekend. smiley - grr

One thing's for sure. I'm not buying any lotto tickets. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10386

McNamara That Ghost

Bad things come in threes Jack so logically you should be winning the lottery. smiley - ok

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10387


You think so, Mac? smiley - erm

I dunno. If I buy a ticket and don't win you're gonna look pretty silly. And I wouldn't like to do that to you.

So I won't buy a ticket. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10388

McNamara That Ghost

You could fly over to see Melbourne Sue with those winnings Jack. smiley - grr

I'd be a useless miillionaire, I'd spend about 20 grand of it probably.

In four years. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10389


You wouldn't purchase a twenty bedroom mansion with hot and cold running women and a ferrari in the driveway like the rest of would, Mac? smiley - erm

Anyway, I'm going to console myself over the fact that I'm not a millionaire by having a classic. smiley - ok

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10390

McNamara That Ghost

Probably not Jack. I've got a big enough house for the women to be in anyway. Having a Ferrari for show might be worth it though. smiley - erm

Classic is on my menu also Jack.

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10391


Would it be the only ferrari in Colne, Mac? smiley - erm

The classic was a success. smiley - ok

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10392

McNamara That Ghost

I'd have thought so Jack. Most of them just loiter on the streets.

smiley - grr

Also, glad to hear of the success Jack.

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10393


So Friday afternoon has arrived. smiley - ok

Weekend plans? Back behind the sofa for a couple of hours tomorrow, I guess. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10394

McNamara That Ghost

And the problem is Jack, if we mess it up tomorrow the it'll ruin most of the wekeend. smiley - grr

I'd rather us play last on the Sunday. smiley - grr

No plans though, other than to watch the football. smiley - whistle

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10395


Sounds good, Mac. smiley - ok

If the football goes well it makes the entire weekend go well. I mean you could be struck by lightning while watching your house burn down on a Friday night and when your missus visits you in hospital on the Saturday she could inform you that your kids are actually the milkman's.......but if Arsenal nick three points, you'd still have a quiet sense of satisfaction after the weekend. smiley - whistle

Well, you would, wouldn't you? smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10396

McNamara That Ghost

Exactly Jack, nothing can wipe the smile of your face when your team wins. Hence why we have been so miserable since February. smiley - grr

The way it had been going since February, being struck by lightning, the house burning down and being told the kids aren't yours would be the more preferable option.

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10397


Far preferable.

All that would be a walk in the park compared with what we've gone through. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10398

McNamara That Ghost

Exactly. Again this comes back to us being idiots for supporting a football team Jack. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10399


I know, Mac.

But it's part of us now. Almost like our genes. And there's nothing we can do about it. smiley - grr

The Flying Headbutt

Post 10400

McNamara That Ghost

smiley - sadface

True Jack. If I was told my kids weren't mine the same weekend Arsenal lost, I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about...

how poor we were in the match. smiley - grr

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