This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Annual Return

Post 4421

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

smiley - rofl

And Carol, i hope you didnt mean me earlier, even though yes i was in bed. smiley - whistle

Annual Return

Post 4422


Purp bit on the side sounds like the best idea hun smiley - hug

Got to go out now to see customers smiley - grr hopefully I'll be back later.

Thanks everyone, I don't know what I'd do without you smiley - hug

Annual Return

Post 4423


By smiley - holly see you later - just take a deep breath and let him on.

When he says that you are soo not bothered he will be back with his tail between his legs!!

And then YOU CAN MAKE HIM SUFFER smiley - evilgrin

smiley - rofl

Annual Return

Post 4424


smiley - pirate would I???

Just as a little word of caution before we all get carried away and I hate to be a misery, but no matter how rotten things are, they can cause as much pain and anguish being absent dads ..... and being a single mum isn't all that!!! I know! I have been doing it for 16 years!!!

smiley - rofl

Annual Return

Post 4425


smiley - lurk

Sorry.......didn't mean to lecture....just another view on life!!!

smiley - winkeye

Annual Return

Post 4426


Sorry smiley - smileycarol was working for a change.

Its always funny how the grass appears to be greener on the other side - smiley - roflsmiley - rofl.

Especially when you are having to pick up smelly soxs and they cant seem to do anthing without asking you first. Where is the hoover, oh you are doing the dishes oh where are my sox/boxers/jeans/teashirts that I left on the floor last week.

Where are my work clothes smiley - grr


Annual Return

Post 4427

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Psd, if you just keep saying 'i dont know' to every single question, he'll get the message. smiley - whistle

Annual Return

Post 4428


Or apply selective deafness!!! Works just as well!!

Kids use it all the time!!

smiley - rofl

Annual Return

Post 4429


I think both options are a good idea and will alternate them depending on whether there is an R in the month smiley - evilgrin

smiley - dragon

Annual Return

Post 4430

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Saying you dont know would be much more annoying. He cant get angry cos you're acknowledging him but just that you dont know. It's perfect. smiley - whistle

Annual Return

Post 4431


Will begin implementation now - lets see if he survives the weekend smiley - whistle

smiley - dragon

Annual Return

Post 4432


Cant get any work done with all this whistling smiley - whistle

smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote

Annual Return

Post 4433


I take my hat off to you smiley - pirate

smiley - rofl

Annual Return

Post 4434


Holly smiley - smooch from a bloke.
One for Carol too smiley - smooch And soupy smiley - smooch

Sorry Captain - draw the line smiley - ok

We're not all bad honest.

Going on the pop at 1 - again - daughter's BF's birthday and Mrs S tmw smiley - cheers
smiley - blacksheep

Annual Return

Post 4435


Well thank you scoobydoo!!! have one yourself smiley - kiss

Out of bed and straight to the pub...not all bad then!!

smiley - rofl

Annual Return

Post 4436


smiley - blacksheep are you still giving out the hugs & kisses?! smiley - wah

smiley - rofl

smiley - hugs for everyone who needs them!!

I've just burnt my tounge on my soup smiley - doh

smiley - monster x

Annual Return

Post 4437


Cheeky smiley - smooch

Not out of bed and to pub.
Had a friend call around at 9.30 to dump his gloom on me.
I took it off him and will drown it later smiley - cheers

smiley - blacksheep

Annual Return

Post 4438


Thanks smiley - blacksheepsmiley - smooch you have one too smiley - ok

smiley - tongueout sorry just trying to cool my tongue down smiley - tongueout

smiley - monster x

Annual Return

Post 4439


You finally spelt TONGUE right smiley - cheers

smiley - blacksheep

Annual Return

Post 4440


I know!! smiley - somersault great eh?! Thanks smiley - blacksheep

smiley - smiley are you still here? How's you? Not had a wee chat in ages!!

smiley - monster x

P.S. My fingers & brain are not working today smiley - doh

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