This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Annual Return

Post 4401

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

smiley - rofl

Annual Return

Post 4402


smiley - doh When did it get to midnightsmiley - yikes

Annual Return

Post 4403


Wot you doing on here?

Annual Return

Post 4404


I tried to post and it came up as board closed on the food chat so whether it appears in the morning is anyone's guess. smiley - doh

Annual Return

Post 4405


I didn't realise this place didn't close.
Don't worry I won't keep you smiley - laugh

I saw the lyrics thing in the papers.
My BiL used to sing Jackdaw to BG's Jive talk smiley - laugh

Annual Return

Post 4406



Been here since 7am! Took the CFH to the airport this morning. He has gone to visit a friend in Germany for a few days. First time he has travelled anywhere on his own!

Peace rules in my house now.....I shall be going home soon to enjoy it!!!!

smiley - smiley

Annual Return

Post 4407


Morning smiley - smiley

Wish I was at your house smiley - laugh the A**hole i live with decided he was leaving me last night, so I went and celebrated a bit to much with red wine at my sis's!!!! I could do with a lie down in peace and quiet!!! smiley - zzz

Annual Return

Post 4408


Oh smiley - holly that's awful.

Been there done that got t shirt etc.

There is so little anyone can do but I am a good listener if you need someone who is know how to get in touch.

My OH left me when my youngest was only a year old. It wasn't good.

smiley - hug

Annual Return

Post 4409


Oooooh it's quiet on here today smiley - sadface

Annual Return

Post 4410


I think we may have frightened everyone off!!

Except for those shirkers who haven't got out of bed yet!!


smiley - rofl

Annual Return

Post 4411


I'm in the FB Holly, Have you made up?

Annual Return

Post 4412


Morning Purp smiley - hug

No we haven't, I think he's running of to his mums in Sardinia and has told me to cancel him of the family holiday to benidorm at the New Year, which technically isn't a problem because I haven't booked it yet smiley - laugh

Annual Return

Post 4413


Plan, make sure you tell him he will have to fork out for the £500 ticket that the travel company says they will not refundsmiley - biggrin

I can do dinner at the Traford centre tomorrow if you like?

Annual Return

Post 4414


Purp smiley - rofl now that is a plan hun! smiley - hug I would've love to have had lunch tomorrow but Donnas not back in work until Monday she's just been to Tunisia so I can't escape but could possible do next week at some point if that's any good hun smiley - hug

Annual Return

Post 4415


Yea do next week, one eveningsmiley - smiley I have £10 off a meal at Ha HA taken from the MBsmiley - biggrin

Annual Return

Post 4416



Yes I know I never woke up until half past eight and what with talking the dragonlets to first day back at school and giving out to someone about spending petty cash I am only here now!!

So I wont be getting it up today


smiley - holly I am sorry but your A**Hole sounds exactly like my Incredible Sulk!!! He texted me two days ago to tell me he was going and I could have the lot smiley - diva Unfortunately he is still there.

When I asked him yesterday to help me make Sons bed as its a raised bed and I am to short he said no I am wrapping school books. Ok cover away but when exactly are you moving out and why are you stil here? smiley - grrsmiley - grr what you want me to move out coz I wont help you make the bed?? smiley - steam Yes smiley - devil that is what you want!!!!

I would book the holiday to spite him and leave his name of the tickets go with Donna or someone!!! smiley - devil

And then change the locks smiley - rofl

Do you think he will really go??? smiley - hug

smiley - dragon

Annual Return

Post 4417


Purp smiley - hug we'll arrange it then hun definitely one night next week smiley - hug

smiley - dragon They're all stupid, I'm going to Benidorm and he's NOT coming. I really do hope he goes, I just feel weird that I don't feel bothered about it, I don't know if that sounds like it makes sense or not smiley - erm But I'm tired of giving in to his little whims smiley - grr

Annual Return

Post 4418

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Morning peeps.

Hollysmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddle

Annual Return

Post 4419


Aww thanks Captain smiley - cuddlesmiley - smoochsmiley - cuddle

Annual Return

Post 4420


Know exactly where you are coming from Holly, I got tired with the ex, it felt like permanet ground hog day until I shouted stop, and left.

H is a paain in the butt at times but I'm with him for the long run...I hope, I'm too tired to ever leave himsmiley - winkeye

Plus I have a cushy lifesmiley - biggrin

If he ever gets too much I'll settle for a bit on the sidesmiley - laugh

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