This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Reprobates r us!

Post 4301


Morning smiley - pirate

Good weekend I see!!!

smiley - rofl

Reprobates r us!

Post 4302


Of course you can smiley - piratesmiley - smooch

Morning smiley - smileysmiley - hug

smiley - dragon it's got a dodgy toilet handle smiley - doh

You haven't given your smiley - monster any idea's have you smiley - rofl

Reprobates r us!

Post 4303

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Morning Carol! Any four day weekend when Fri is basically a day off for me too is always gonna be a good weekend! Being tied up by Holly was just a bonus. smiley - blush

How was yours? Keep out of trouble did we?!

Reprobates r us!

Post 4304


smiley - roflsmiley - winkeye Bless!!

Not bad thanks...not as exciting as yours obviously!!!

I may only have a one day week this week! Yay!

Morning smiley - holly

smiley - smiley

Reprobates r us!

Post 4305

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

It's alright for some Carol!

Although i'll only be in a couple hours tomorrow and finish by 2 on Friday, so i suppose i shouldnt really complain too much!

Reprobates r us!

Post 4306


I wish I only had 1 day smiley - smiley

smiley - pirate bonus!!!! you know it was the highlight of your year smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

Reprobates r us!

Post 4307

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

The tying up part wasnt! It was what you did after that that was the highlight. smiley - blush

Reprobates r us!

Post 4308


The vodka you mean smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

I knew you'd be impressed with the quality of it smiley - whistle

Reprobates r us!

Post 4309

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

i was definiely impressed with the quality.

The vodka too.smiley - winkeye

Reprobates r us!

Post 4310


smiley - blushsmiley - blush

smiley - rofl

It's your round next smiley - whistle

Reprobates r us!

Post 4311

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Yep, definitely my turn next time!

Reprobates r us!

Post 4312


smiley - run

Clients waiting smiley - grr

Reprobates r us!

Post 4313

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Say hello to the clients for me! smiley - whistle

Reprobates r us!

Post 4314


They send their love!!!

smiley - rofl

Reprobates r us!

Post 4315


smiley - smiley

Hope it went well with the clients smiley - biggrin

I don't like my customers today smiley - grr

Reprobates r us!

Post 4316


Just listening to my voicemails which goes back about a month.

One drunken friend rang me at two in the morning to waffle on about a rubiks cube

Reprobates r us!

Post 4317


Clients weren't all sweetness and light either!!!

Ah well!!

Reprobates r us!

Post 4318

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

That's the sort of voicemail i leave when stumbling home from the pub at 6 in the morning, hmmm.

Reprobates r us!

Post 4319


Now another one has turned up unannounced! I will never get any work done at this rate!!!! smiley - grr

Reprobates r us!

Post 4320

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Make them wait.

Then say 'sorry for the wait, but you're an idiot who doesnt understand the concept of making appointments, how can i help'. smiley - whistle

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