This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

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Post 4321


smiley - rofl

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Post 4322


smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

Fab idea smiley - piratesmiley - ok

Reprobates r us!

Post 4323


smiley - boing

smiley - run

smiley - run

smiley - stiffdrink

Reprobates r us!

Post 4324


Cheers smiley - dragon I'll have that smiley - stiffdrink do you want to join me hun?

Reprobates r us!

Post 4325


I tried asking them to make an they demanded to see a partner!!!

Give me bl**dy strength!! Is everyone so self important????

Told them to come back in half an hour......I am just a soft touch!!!

Reprobates r us!

Post 4326


smiley - smiley

When they come back make sure you've had a couple of smiley - stiffdrink's and tell them to do one smiley - biggrin

I dare you smiley - whistle

smiley - rofl

That's what I'm on the verge of doing smiley - rofl

Reprobates r us!

Post 4327


Where's smiley - dragon had to run off to with the smiley - stiffdrink

Hope she's ok smiley - hug

Reprobates r us!

Post 4328


smiley - dragon is here but pretending to work - also was lurking on the hairy biker thread on the TV and Radio someone needs a naan stuffed somewhere that the sun dont shine smiley - devil

smiley - dragon

Reprobates r us!

Post 4329


smiley - dragon

Don't do the W word it drives you insane, not as much as some things I could mention though smiley - whistle

You are a msg board tart I don't know how to keep up with this and the pub let alone others smiley - doh

It's not like you to waste a naan hun, someone must really have got up your nose smiley - rofl

Reprobates r us!

Post 4330


I am sat listening to the Abbey play their shocking bl**dy musice......22 mins and counting!!

smiley - grr

No good for the blood pressure!!!

Reprobates r us!

Post 4331


I was just lurking over there as people were talking about it in the chatterbox.

Usually I am either here, the pub or on the chatterbox.

And work is definately to be avoided at all costs.

smiley - dragonsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - devilsmiley - rofl

Reprobates r us!

Post 4332


smiley - smiley
What Abbey are you referring too?

smiley - dragon
I was hoping Annie would have come back by now to have a bash at Disco.
Me and Titch have given up - i think she wants apologies off everyone smiley - laugh

smiley - blacksheep

Reprobates r us!

Post 4333


smiley - dog

I am tempted to post that quote on the Daily Bread thrad but feel if I do I should tell her she seems to think she is more of an authority on bread than Paul.

smiley - dragon

Reprobates r us!

Post 4334


smiley - dragon
Don't bite (says me smiley - laugh )

smiley - blacksheep

Reprobates r us!

Post 4335


Afternoon smiley - blacksheep

I've had run in's with TT before smiley - doh

smiley - dragon don't do it hun, mind you it's a while since I stuck my nose in where it's not wanted smiley - whistle

Reprobates r us!

Post 4336


smiley - holly thats not like you atall now is itsmiley - whistle

This is not Texas Titch its someone called Last Days of Disco.

Texas Titch is just funny and very easily wound up as Scooby found out smiley - laugh

smiley - dragon

Reprobates r us!

Post 4337


I wasn't having a pop at her, just the thread degenerating into yahboo, but she latched on to me personally.
Bless her smiley - laugh

smiley - blacksheep

Reprobates r us!

Post 4338


Abbey (national) Scoobs!!

Blloming heck 12.30 and vitually nothing achieved!!!!

Reprobates r us!

Post 4339


smiley - lurk

Ooooooh that HB thread is soooooo bitchy now ain't it!! smiley - rofl

I like them smiley - biggrin they make me smiley - laugh

Wish i didn't have so much work to catch up with smiley - sadface

Feeling even better again 2day though smiley - cool just need 2 sleep for about a week then i'll be happy happy!!

OH has the cold - wee soul smiley - loveblush gotta look after him smiley - tea

smiley - monster x

Reprobates r us!

Post 4340


Abbey National?
Lost me is.

smiley - blacksheep

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