This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

So Lonely!!

Post 4241


Morning Cheezy!

So Lonely!!

Post 4242


Morning Carol!

So Lonely!!

Post 4243


You are still work today?

So Lonely!!

Post 4244


Holiday yesterday and todaysmiley - smiley

So Lonely!!

Post 4245


I am very envious....its only the Bank Holiday looming thats getting me through!

I fear its going to be a very long day!!!

So Lonely!!

Post 4246


I need to go walk the smiley - dogs and then I can't decide whether to go to York for the day or maybe just go into town as there is a food festival on for the next three days

So Lonely!!

Post 4247


Whatever you do have a lovely day and I hope the weather is kind to you....we actually have sun here in Huntingdon this morning! How long for I have no idea cos dark clouds are looming!!!

smiley - smiley

So Lonely!!

Post 4248


We've got the sun as well. We are having some stones delivered this afternoon so I want to keep out of the way.

smiley - fullmoon

So Lonely!!

Post 4249


Morning all - busy again today as the party is tmw.

I see Karpol got modded last night whilst I was out - crazy woman smiley - tongueout

It was harmless as far as I recall. O quoted most of it baack at her
smiley - laugh

smiley - blacksheep

So Lonely!!

Post 4250


Morning smiley - blacksheep I couln't see what was modded unless I didn't go far enough back!!!

Hows the decorating going?

So Lonely!!

Post 4251


1202 reinstated - harmless.
Deccy's finished - it's rubbish dumping now!!

smiley - blacksheep

So Lonely!!

Post 4252


Thought as much!!!

Ooooh! trips to the tip....luuuuuurrrvley!!!

Mind you, you can always manage one via the pub for lunch! You know....just passing!

smiley - winkeye

So Lonely!!

Post 4253


Can't believe that got modded....what on earth?????

So Lonely!!

Post 4254


What got modded smiley - smileycarol?

That is not like you smiley - devil

smiley - dragon

So Lonely!!

Post 4255


smiley - rofl even!! smiley - doh

So Lonely!!

Post 4256



smiley - fullmoon

So Lonely!!

Post 4257


Morning smiley - fullmoonsmiley - erm

Are you on a lalalalala long weekend?

Have you got your umbrella?

smiley - dragon

So Lonely!!

Post 4258


I've been on a very long weekend as I had Thursday and Friday off and todaysmiley - ok

I have just taken a peek through the curtain and think I may need an umbrellasmiley - yikes

So Lonely!!

Post 4259


hello you 2.

My daughter's party was fab and today I have to go to a wedding of a friend of OH.
Just annoyed her by asking "Are we driving or can I get bladdered?"

Hope you are both well smiley - hug

I'm about to lob a brick at someone on another thread. Don't do barney's but it's getting on my wick smiley - grr

smiley - blacksheep

So Lonely!!

Post 4260


smiley - lurk

Peekaboooooo!!smiley - tongueout

xsmiley - monsterx

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