This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds

I have to stop going out!

Post 4221


Morning smiley - blacksheep

I have to stop going out!

Post 4222


Morning smiley - smiley
How is the vertigo now?

smiley - bluelight - read the Dragon's den thread and you'll see their link.

smiley - blacksheep

I have to stop going out!

Post 4223


Improving smiley - blacksheep but still smiley - lurking!!!!

I have to stop going out!

Post 4224


smiley - lurk

is anybody there????

smiley - ghost

I have to stop going out!

Post 4225


smiley - whistle

So Lonely!!

Post 4226


smiley - wah

So Lonely!!

Post 4227

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

Take an early day Carol. smiley - whistle

So Lonely!!

Post 4228


I think I will go and eat worms!!!

smiley - rofl

So Lonely!!

Post 4229


Morning People

smiley - zzz
smiley - nahnah

So Lonely!!

Post 4230


smiley - run

So Lonely!!

Post 4231


smiley - lurk

I suspect that will be the only company I will have on here today and they have gone already!!!!

smiley - rofl


So Lonely!!

Post 4232


I'll be disappearing some time before 12:30 - don't know when yet.

Message for Scooby - got the e-mail but then it disappeared, did work though so when yo usend again I'll make sure I save the address. smiley - cheers

So Lonely!!

Post 4233


Hello BBT

How did the interview go?

So Lonely!!

Post 4234


Oh God smiley - yikes

It was the most stressful, tiring, utterly overwhelming day of my life to date (probably not but felt like it at the time smiley - laugh)

A morning full of tests, 2 interviews in the afternoon and little presentation/Q&A session.

Just got to cross everything and hope. Should find out early part of next week.

So Lonely!!

Post 4235


Sounds awful...I will keep everything crossed for you!

I particularly hate the question 'why do you want to work for....'
particularly when its for a holding sort of job, you know...pays the bills but little else....why do they think....I need the money!!! Stoopid bl**dy question that is!

So Lonely!!

Post 4236


Ugh. They actually managed to avoid that one - the interviews were twenty minutes long each (timed) and you had 5 minute to answer each of 4 questions...

So Lonely!!

Post 4237


Bl**dy hell fire!!!

that sounds like torture!!!

Are yo wanting to be a brain surgeon?

So Lonely!!

Post 4238


Morning all smiley - ok

Phew sounds a toughi BBT.
Fingers and legs crossed.
Will send E again later.

smiley - blacksheep

So Lonely!!

Post 4239


Brain surgeon? Eek! No.

But it is a fairly responsible job I suppose.

So Lonely!!

Post 4240



smiley - lurk

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