This is the Message Centre for Captain Malcolm Reynolds


Post 4201


smiley - bluelight

You're winking at someone on the Uni thread from 23 minutes ago smiley - laugh


Post 4202



Think I'm just going to randomly wink at people on various threads for the rest of the afternoon. See if they'll have the nerve to finally just ban me once and for all.

smiley - biggrin

smiley - winkeye

smiley - bluelight


Post 4203


smiley - bluelight

There's quicker ways than that.
smiley - hug

smiley - blacksheep


Post 4204


smiley - steam

I _AM_ behaving! smiley - grr


Post 4205


So, Carol, Holly and the Captain took my advice and got a room
smiley - smooch

I must meet the man who is wooing my daughter along with anothersmiley - loveblush

smiley - bluelight
Any improvement in the "dad" thing since the wedding?
smiley - hug


Post 4206

Captain Malcolm Reynolds

smiley - rofl

We did not get a room! Just a bit busy today, usually like this on a monday!

Oh and if we did need to get a room, this would already be it. smiley - winkeye


Post 4207


Oh! I meant to update you on that one Scoobs!


As he said he'd do he came to the ceremony and did the whole giving me away bit which was really quite important to me but did decide not to hang around for the reception. However, one of my sisters made a point of going to talk to him while we were all hanging around outside before moving on to the pub (he had to wait as he was giving other people a lift) and then when he came to collect "his lot" (mum/aunt/sister etc.) the other sister came out and chatted to him for a bit and it seemed to all go okay. Then, when most people had disappeared and it was just me, OH & one of the sisters left, sat round a table clutching the last bottle and a half of fizz, sister said it would have been nice if dad had come along jsut for one drink even so I gave her my phone and told her to call him and say that everyone had gone, it was just us left and would he come along just to raise a glas (while we still had some left!) of fizz at what was stil technically, just about, my wedding reception. So 15 minutes later my dad turns up _still_ suited and booted (he never dresses up so that was kind of a big deal in itself) with grandma etc. in tow and it all kicked off again - the other sister & her OH came back and we all had a nice sit-down meal, my dad dropped the other "proper grown-ups" back home and came back to sit out in the beer garden with me, OH and the sisters until they chucked us out, gave them a lift home and 2 weeks ago, for the first time in 4 years, my sisters went round my dad's! He actually met his granddaughters for the first time!

Soooooooooo happy. Might not last, but hey ho!

smiley - cheers

smiley - bluelight


Post 4208


And God my typing's awful when I start going too quick 'coz I'm all 'cited about something!

smiley - laugh


Post 4209


Hey smiley - bluelight

That's a lovely story.
I'm an only twin so find it hard to understand some of the stuff families fall into tho' I do have one boy one girl and i care about them staying close (within reason).

Well done
smiley - cheers

smiley - blacksheep

Captainsmiley - cool


Post 4210


smiley - biggrin

I have to stop going out!

Post 4211



smiley - dragon

I have to stop going out!

Post 4212


Boo to you too!

smiley - bluelight

I have to stop going out!

Post 4213


Soupy - is you soaked?
I saw clips of floods and thought you might be flooded too?

smiley - blacksheep

I have to stop going out!

Post 4214


Parts of my town are flooded but we are all right.

I posted a thing about my Friday night but its gone!! smiley - whistle

I am in Southern Ireland below Dublin which took it badly. The town I live in gets flooded every year smiley - doh

I have to stop going out!

Post 4215


Was Belfast hit bad too?
I'm sure that's the clip i saw smiley - sadface

smiley - blacksheep

I have to stop going out!

Post 4216


Morning....where is everybody???

smiley - erm

I have to stop going out!

Post 4217


Sat at work doing bog-all. I see no point in pretending to give a rat's ass any more. This is my last "proper" day anyway - only in for th emorning on Thursday and no idea if I'll be able to get on here then.

smiley - bluelight

I have to stop going out!

Post 4218


Ello BBT.

Perhaps we should have a little snifter at lunchtime then!

smiley - winkeye

I have to stop going out!

Post 4219



Sounds good to me.

Just a little one though you say...?

smiley - stiffdrink It's okay - I know it's early but it's medicinal. smiley - winkeye

smiley - bluelight

I have to stop going out!

Post 4220


Morning allsmiley - ok

Lunchtime every day at 1pm I have to see a lady called Stella smiley - cheers
My daughter rang me yesterday evening aaand the pub landlady answered. I'd left my moby behind
smiley - run

smiley - blacksheep

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