This is the Message Centre for Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

E Vibenstein's Showbiz XI

Post 101

Mrs V

And I'll give it 110% boss. And Venus has always been jealous ever since Paris only gave her the prize for the most beautiful so that he could get his mits on me. So there.

E Vibenstein's Showbiz XI

Post 102

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

I like where this is going !!!

Now now girls, no pulling of hair please.....

Can I sit here and watch......40 F !!!! is that for real !!!

smiley - smiley

E Vibenstein's Showbiz XI

Post 103


Shouldn't that be: "Are they for real!?" smiley - winkeye

E Vibenstein's Showbiz XI

Post 104

Mrs V

Very real, I'm afraid. Thats why I have a bad back! But theres no competition really!

E Vibenstein's Showbiz XI

Post 105

Mrs V

Hello EV, how are you tonight...

E Vibenstein's Showbiz XI

Post 106

Cupid Stunt

How bout this one

"because i said so"

E Vibenstein's Showbiz XI

Post 107

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

One-nil, one-nil, one-nil, one-nil, one-nil, one-nil, one-niiiiiiiiiil!!! smiley - smiley
Now look, can we all stop bickering amongst ourselves? I want to see teamwork out there...... did you say 40F?

E Vibenstein's Showbiz XI

Post 108


Maybe, but do FIFA rules allow us to play in slow-motion? smiley - bigeyes

E Vibenstein's Showbiz XI

Post 109


Definitely. I'd say. Did you see England tonight? smiley - sadface

E Vibenstein's Showbiz XI

Post 110


Sorry, no. If you want to talk football in our family, you'd better ask my sister. smiley - smiley

E Vibenstein's Showbiz XI

Post 111

Drool Frood the Second

At one point last night one of the commentators remarked "There's Paul Ince he's a... he's a real footballer"
What were the others then?
Actually I think England played very badly.What has happened to Shearer he was crap!
But I'm still well pleased that we are in the next round anyway.
By the way while we are discussing sizes I'm 36 C
Not a 40 F but still a handful!!!!!

Half time pep talk

Post 112

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Okay squad, I'm quite pleased with our overall performance, there's been some excellent teamwork in some of the forums, and some good individual runs. Having said that, I'm afraid I don't really think the boy/girl Stunt is really pulling his/her weight and giving it 110%. There's not much on that home page at all, is there? And I'm not fully convinced that the boy Vestboy is match fit. So, it's going okay, but at the end of the day, it's a game of two halves and we need to get out there and show them who's boss in the second half, okay? Let's go!

Half time pep talk

Post 113

Beaker (Muse of bad guitar playing and Pork Pies)

..hang on boss, I've not finished me half time orange yet...

Half time pep talk

Post 114

Drool Frood the Second

Sorry I'm on half time as well.Remember as Goaley you may have a hard time with out me.
Be back in about an hour ish....Lunchtimes are getting longer these days due to my impending fact I don't give a s..t at the moment.What can they do sack me?

Half time pep talk

Post 115

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Strewth... a bit of discipline, that's what's needed in this team!

Half time pep talk

Post 116

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Things have got so bad, I've had to "pop" home to log onto H2G2 !!!

Now theres dedecation for you !!!

Anybody got any boot laces, I've just broke one of mine guvna!

Half time pep talk

Post 117

Opinionated Lurker

be careful sid, you sound just right for the sub's bench
(keen to make an impression, willing to be flexible)
better start making yourself indispensible, like me

Half time pep talk

Post 118

Ginger The Feisty

I believe you needed to know sizes so you could provide us with sports bras and provide us with a too-tight football shirt - I'm a 40E which I think leaves Helena still in the lead but makes us a very bouncy team! The opposition will be useless against us when they see us in action! smiley - bigeyes

Half time pep talk

Post 119

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

When I registered with H2G2, I don't remember seeing anything about a required minimum chest size... do they have a different registration process for females? smiley - smiley

E Vibenstein's Showbiz XI

Post 120

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

A real footballer? That's not what my dad called him (although one of the things he called him *did* start with an "f")...

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