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There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 421

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - roflsmiley - rofl no, you don't make the impression of a "sour and cranky old beggar" smiley - rofl no worries on that part smiley - rofl.

smiley - rofl .. the .. "master" ?? smiley - rofl of the house? but that's me !! smiley - rofl
smiley - laugh
I think there's hardly ever need for any smiley - groveling.. it doesn't help and makes both parties uncomfortable.. so we decided to skip that, fight it out and make up

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 422

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

And naturally, the "maiking up" is what it's all about. smiley - biggrin We have our occassional blow-ups, but always short-lived.

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 423

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - laugh well, yes. mind you, it shouldn't be the reason for a fight, but the making up usually is good smiley - laugh

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 424

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Oh no-no-no, never "fabricate" a cause ... That would be foolish, eh? smiley - laugh

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 425

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - whistle well..... smiley - laugh yes. that doesn't work smiley - laugh there's better ways to get to .. aahh well.. smiley - winkeye

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 426

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

On a totally un-related note smiley - winkeye Have you looked at the Front Page? A very good friend has an entry up there, for the full week-end. And a somewhat daring piccy to accompany. smiley - evilgrin

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 427

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - rofl ah good! it made it to the front page smiley - laugh an impressive and inspiring article, even though the man got an additional 9 ft

12 inches .. what can I say smiley - laugh

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 428

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

What IS there to say, eh? Just smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh

Your working day ought to be fairly old by now ... Has this week's work-load been met well, without too many frustrations and tufts of hair yanked out? smiley - winkeye

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 429

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - rofl well, my work load was reasonable smiley - laugh some time left to do minor jobs in the house smiley - erm
smiley - laugh it's only w*rk .. no need to load up frustrations, yank out hair... hey, I'm not paid *that* well smiley - laugh

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 430

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Indeed, it IS just a job. ANd not worthy of ulcers, premature balding or anything else like that. I used to take things so serious and personal, but learned soon enough. You can only do what you can do, eh? smiley - biggrin

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 431

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - rofl "take things so serious and personal" .. is that a male thing? I noticed this smiley - whistle often with people working in my projects .. males working in my projects rather.

smiley - whistle given the choice I now make all female project teams smiley - whistle the project lunches are different then as well smiley - laugh

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 432

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I tended to take the idea that I was responsible for the communications of my country's defences quite seriously. I mean, it DOES sound terribly impressive. And by nature, I am quite a fanatic about doing the absolute best job that I can, of anything I take on. SO you can imagine that some circumstances, I would find myself wound up so tight that I could almost spin like a child's toy 'top'. Not a good thing, and I learned in time to just take it a step at a time, and do what I could.

So then, are you simply very sexist, hiring only women for the teams? Or is the gossip just that much better at lunches and stuff? smiley - rofl

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 433

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - roflsmiley - eureka a former b/f was involved in defense communications smiley - rofl he never made the impression of stress, or even w*rk. He's on hootoo as well smiley - rofl

smiley - laugh of course I am sexist smiley - laugh and dinosaur !

smiley - laugh and the lunches are a lot more relaxed smiley - tongueout

gossip?? naaaaaah

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 434

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

Hmmm, is this former b/f anyone I might have encountered socially here? And was he the one that kept the stuff live and "on the air". It was the catastrophic melt-downs that threw the big people into a panic, and I'd have them swarming over me as I tried to fix the stuff.

I was known to whack an occassional Major or Lt-Colonel over the knuckles with a ruler, for poking buttons and flipping switches, while I was working. I'm surprised I never saw the wrong side of the doors of the 'detention barracks'. smiley - rofl

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 435

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - rofl I don't know if you met him .. nowadays he lives in Hati's summerhouse smiley - whistle

smiley - laugh whack a major over the knuckles .. smiley - rofl I've glanced over court cases of people doing that several hundred years ago smiley - whistle

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 436

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I got away with it, because I wasn't a few hundred years ago, and in an under-ground complex, there were no trees to be "attached" to. smiley - winkeye

It would be nice if you named a name, ... by mails. I don't frequent Summerhouses or a lot of other associated threads. I've not met the folks, nor know them much from elsewhere. I come from other and lower circles, ya know. *sub-surface fountain swimmer smiley*

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 437

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

And just what the heckle are you doing up so late? Has Bob run off to a Men's-Shelter somewhere for the evening? smiley - rofl

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 438

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - rofl Ah yes .. email ..

Bob indeed ran off to a men's shelter smiley - rofl he's off drinking with a regular group .. I hope he'll be back in an hour .. or not before tomorrow 10am smiley - winkeye

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 439

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

I've looked at my radio-synchronized-clock, dusted off the slipstick for time conversions, and come to the mathematical conclusions that if an elder dinosaur is not home soon, he might live in a canine dwelling for a time. smiley - doh

I guess most guys just need a "night with the lads". I was never that bonded with anyone, and just never did the 'boyz nite owt' stuff. Once in a rare moon, a time occurs, and even that is soooooo rare.

Anyway, I know that you are a fair-minded, well-educated and emotionally stable woman of your species. And that he will be allowed to grovel for the appropriate amount of time, dazzle you with gifts, luxuries and promises... Or atleast wipe down the bath again ... And all will be "normal".

Damn, there's that indefineable word again, ... 'normal' smiley - rofl

There's NOTHING like a good back-scratch ...

Post 440

Babette - Dinosaure

smiley - laughsmiley - laughcorrect .. the sleeping bag is ready and the smiley - dogs will be thrilled smiley - biggrin
I don't have a clue what they're doing on a night out. There's a lot of beer being poured out. Some time ago they captured our house for a whole weekend.
smiley - rofl .. He'll come home .. now or later smiley - rofl

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