Journal Entries


 Have you noticed that brainstorming rarely works unless you are doing something else. i think it is a clinical condition. If you think about a subject then you very quickly run out of ideas. When you are under no pressure and are completely in a world of your own - suddenly in pops a really good idea. Sometimes they are made in jest.
sometimes not.
this could be considered brainstorming but its not.

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Latest reply: May 17, 1999

Me - unedited and unabridged

 Hello everyone
my name is Steph and I'm sweet 17 (what is so sweet about 16 all of a sudden?). Hmmm, I am in college studying loads of languages - I like to talk, mostly about stuff that doesn't really mean much. I love the Hitchhiker books - Douglas Adams is very talented. He also can write sci-fi in an amazingly unboring way. I don't mind talking to anyone and in the week or so that I have been a researcher I have had a great time! I love the movies and parties (but then doesn't everyone? ). So I hope that you have been interested in my life (or lack thereof) but if it is not interesting just write and tell me to get a life - I won't be that offended!

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Latest reply: May 16, 1999

Me - unedited and unabridged

 Hello everyone
my name is Steph and I'm sweet 17 (what is so sweet about 16 all of a sudden?). Hmmm, I am in college studying loads of languages - I like to talk, mostly about stuff that doesn't really mean much. I love the Hitchhiker books - Douglas Adams is very talented. He also can write sci-fi in an amazingly unboring way. I don't mind talking to anyone and in the week or so that I have been a researcher I have had a great time! I love the movies and parties (but then doesn't everyone? ). So I hope that you have been interested in my life (or lack thereof) but if it is not interesting just write and tell me to get a life - I won't be that offended!

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Latest reply: May 16, 1999

Abducting Jelly

Who would search for the word jelly? What sort of freak are you? Abducting - I can live with - but JELLY? So you like jelly? What flavour. pLease tell all. I have a theory about jelly.

Jelly is what philosophers refer to as wobbly stuff of the Gods. It comes in a variety of colours which symbolize the passion that people have about jelly. The colour of jelly that you like is symbolic of the sort of person you are. I will explain:
Pink (dark): = (strawberry) you are a cool and pretty funky person don't you know?
Pink (light): = (raspberry) you are sweet and sensitive and a bit weird
Purple: = (blackcurrant) eccentic, totally cool and an amazing person

If you want other info on jelly - please write back!

Jelly has been involved in many forms of abductions. Aliens have been known to use jelly during abductions. It causes hallucinations and can be known to trip people out.

Have a nice day!  

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Latest reply: May 11, 1999

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