This is a Journal entry by Leia


Post 1


 Have you noticed that brainstorming rarely works unless you are doing something else. i think it is a clinical condition. If you think about a subject then you very quickly run out of ideas. When you are under no pressure and are completely in a world of your own - suddenly in pops a really good idea. Sometimes they are made in jest.
sometimes not.
this could be considered brainstorming but its not.


Post 2


I assume your essay's didn't go to well then. I have to admit I don't brainstorm and spider diagrams annoy me, they just look messy, don't you feel like a small child when your teacher says "we're going to do a brain storming session on this subject." It's not that useful though apparently you're meant to be able to picture spider diagrams better under pressure in exams so you should get better recall of information.... but I don't find it helps.


Post 3


i HATE spider diagrams - they were put on the planet to harass me - like so many things in life - not that I believe that I am the centre of the universe - I just KNOW that I am.

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