This is a Journal entry by Leia

Abducting Jelly

Post 1


Who would search for the word jelly? What sort of freak are you? Abducting - I can live with - but JELLY? So you like jelly? What flavour. pLease tell all. I have a theory about jelly.

Jelly is what philosophers refer to as wobbly stuff of the Gods. It comes in a variety of colours which symbolize the passion that people have about jelly. The colour of jelly that you like is symbolic of the sort of person you are. I will explain:
Pink (dark): = (strawberry) you are a cool and pretty funky person don't you know?
Pink (light): = (raspberry) you are sweet and sensitive and a bit weird
Purple: = (blackcurrant) eccentic, totally cool and an amazing person

If you want other info on jelly - please write back!

Jelly has been involved in many forms of abductions. Aliens have been known to use jelly during abductions. It causes hallucinations and can be known to trip people out.

Have a nice day!  

Abducting Jelly

Post 2

The Jedi Master

How about Lime flavour (Green)

Or Lemon Flavour (Yellow) ?

Abducting Jelly

Post 3


green = witty
yellow = sexual frustration

any more?

Abducting Jelly

Post 4

The Jedi Master

Hmm, What about Jelly with fruit pieces in it ?

Abducting Jelly

Post 5

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

I AM ROD HULL! And I would like my jelly now.

Or maybe you never watched that.


Abducting Jelly

Post 6


No I have never seen that. Sorry.
Is your name really Rod Hull?
Thank you for looking up jelly!
Jelly with fruit pieces? Total degradation of the innocent jelly with the exception of the mandarin in orange jelly which means you are a God!

Dampened hopes

Post 7

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

Erm... no its not. But I know a funny joke about him.

Q. What does Rod Hull use to do his washing?
A. Ariel and Bounce.

Dampened hopes

Post 8


Am I the only person that has never heard of Rod Hull?

Dampened hopes

Post 9

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

He's a guy with a fake emu on TV who recently died when he fell off his roof while adjusting his TV arial.

Dampened hopes

Post 10

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

And the jelly reference comes from 'This Morning with Richard not Judy' on TV where they did a thing on him where he had a silly squeaky voice and a jelly addiction. I hope thats cleared that up (although it probably hasn't).

Dampened hopes

Post 11


Thanks for clearing that up! I used to love Emu as well! not as much as I loved Orvil (you remember the green duck baby?)
How did we get off the subject of jelly?

Return of The Jellie

Post 12

The Jedi Master

Ok, getting back to Jelly - What about Jelly sweets ? I know that you're supposed to be a psycho if you bite the heads of Jelly bablies, but has anyone any ideas what you are if you bite the legs off first ?

And what about wine gums - do they count ?

Return of The Jellie

Post 13

The Jedi Master

Ok, getting back to Jelly - What about Jelly sweets ? I know that you're supposed to be a psycho if you bite the heads of Jelly bablies, but has anyone any ideas what you are if you bite the legs off first ?

And what about wine gums - do they count ?

Return of The Jellie

Post 14


If you bite off the legs of jelly babies that doesn't count!
and yes, wine gums DO count!

Return of The Jellie

Post 15

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

How do you bite the head off a wine gum?

Return of The Jellie

Post 16


you just bite wherever!

Abducting Jelly

Post 17


Jelly with jelly babies in it is "Diver jelly"

Abducting Jelly

Post 18


That is such a cute idea - I am going to try that!

More Jelly,

Post 19


Wine Gums don't count but gummi bears do, God Leia you should know that. By the way whats it mean if you put lemonade in lime jelly?
It was nice to know that I'm witty, but then you may now want to retract that statement, huh Leia.


Hope you don't mind me joining in your jelly conversation.

More Jelly,

Post 20


No Angel I don't mind you joining in. The colour of wine gums is in no way linked to personality or characteristics BUT it does involve the movement of the planets!

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