This is a Journal entry by Leia

Me - unedited and unabridged

Post 1


 Hello everyone
my name is Steph and I'm sweet 17 (what is so sweet about 16 all of a sudden?). Hmmm, I am in college studying loads of languages - I like to talk, mostly about stuff that doesn't really mean much. I love the Hitchhiker books - Douglas Adams is very talented. He also can write sci-fi in an amazingly unboring way. I don't mind talking to anyone and in the week or so that I have been a researcher I have had a great time! I love the movies and parties (but then doesn't everyone? ). So I hope that you have been interested in my life (or lack thereof) but if it is not interesting just write and tell me to get a life - I won't be that offended!

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Post 2


You need a life Leia never!!!! Ha I found you even here.
In reference to your life I would like to say that you have some of the worlds most amazing friends and one hell of an ego and god were you not joking when you said you like to talk!!!!

You undited and unabridged.

Post 3


My friends are pretty amazing excpet there is this one really ditzy one who has an alterego - really fluffy hair!
What about you then ANGEL ??? The elusive one!

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Me - unedited and unabridged

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