
Who am I?.....a good question....and one that could take a life time to answer with any real clarity!
But I can say this.....I like single malt whisky...good italian food...well crafted music especially blues or rock but I'll listen to just about anything...sleeping...and people!
I would recomend Robert Anton Wilson as an essential author to anyone, particularly The Illuminatus Trilogy
Aurally, I suggest Ella Fitzgerald if you want music to relax to and, currently, Catatonia if you want to get lively!
Telling you any more than this right now would probably spoil the fun, so I'll let you stew in anticipation for now...but never fear you will learn more if you want!
AND remember..........the one rule is........................there are no rules!!!!

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shrug Dec 13, 2000


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Insanity Assassin

Researcher U37946


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