Journal Entries


Someone told me to "be gone". In a forum I started, no less. That's never happened to me, even in real-time human life, nevermind digital-twin keyboard Fenchurch life.

And while the preceding words leading up to the "be gone" made sense in their own context, at the same time it didn't.

Because who *can't* turn their thumbs up or down at others? We're by nature social beings, and that just comes along with it. The idea is to not have your opinions so rigidly set that you can't learn more about things with an open mind.
It's like molding a clay figure of someone you've seen once or twice. You may have a good idea of what you think they look like, but don't fire the sculpture until you've seen the person up close, or you'll have a sculpture that may look like someone else altogether. You may not, but if you truly *want* to sculpt a good likeness, keep it malleable.
I suggest never ever making it permanent. Permanence is dumb, anyway.

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Latest reply: Aug 31, 1999

My Maslow Pyramid of Needs has been KIDNAPPED!!!

That's right, the most adorable picture of the pyramid of needs, including a very happy shiny stick-figure self-actualised person at the top, created with love by yours truly, has been brutally EDITED from my article. Now I understand why they take it of, assuring continuity in the picture styles of entries and all, but now, how will everyone see what may be the closest thing to my painting a picture....ever. So, I will provide you with the URL, if not so you can see it, just so I know it's possible for it to *live on*...

In other news- they also edited my self-indulgent comments, which is okay because those were just jokes anyway...they were true, but they were jokes smiley - smiley

My keyboard DIED and I'm forced to use this one with Arabic symbols in the right hand bottom corners as well as the english letters at the top left...looking at it hurts my brain.


The Cult Movies thing is taking off like... something else that's cool and fast. Thank you everyone smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Aug 25, 1999

Keep the Faith...?

So the Padres are doing bad. Ok, terribly.
But that's okay. I'm a good San Diegan, and I will continue to love the Padres, just as I love the Chargers and the Sockers, also known for their close calls tailgated by pitfalls. Because I keep the faith, like that happy monk and the Chicken. We love our Chicken, I tell you what.
I'm even proud to say the soccer Sockers. It doesn't mean that we have no creativity, we just love puns.
Just as long as Ben Davis is there, everything will be all right. Oh yeah, and those other Gwynn and Rivera, was it? They're all right too, I guess.

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Latest reply: Aug 19, 1999

Grraaaayyyyyeeeegggg (reprise)

So another one got rejected. Actually, I quite liked that one. But oh well. I'll still knock their socks off with such gems as "San Diego" and "Mexico City" and the in progress "simplicity of bread", although I'm afrid it'll be one of those forever-going things smiley - sadface

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Latest reply: Aug 17, 1999

Death Penalty

Mark Barton crushed his own children's heads in with a hammer. To save them from "the evergoing pain of life". They'll never have to feel the pain of graduating, or finding the love of their life or watching their kids grow up, or having kids at all. Or even making the choice not to.

Yesterday Buford Furrow decided to stroll into a little kids' community center and shoot at them. Over and over and over again.

I'm sorry, but these bastards should die.

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Latest reply: Aug 11, 1999

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