Hello, to all of you who will help me in my REVOLUTION! Well, it's pretty easy, all you have to do is read my stuff and write to me what you think about what i'm saying, the thing is that i have ALOT of problems with society as it is now, like the hatred between people, the miss-comunication between people and other stuff. I guess you can say I belong to the "flower childs" generation in the way that i don't understand a lot of things that people in our world do (like wars and how most people don't really care about human life today). I live in a verry interesting country (Israel), here I can see it all infront of my eyes, how people are willing to die for terrytory, the hatred between religeous and non-religeous people and so much more. please, write to me what you think about these things and enjoy reading what i write. thenks, Eyal

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hatred Jun 5, 2000
Revolution Jun 19, 1999


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Researcher U37535


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