Journal Entries

Why do peole HAVE TO hate?

I'd like to tell you a bit of what's happening in my country as i see it and what's happening in my head generally.
Well, there are two groups of people here, one is the Israelies and the other group is the palestinians. I'm an
Israeli and my real problem is that hatred between the two groups, but actually it's not only between these two
groups, let's take the Israelies, so there are those who came here from Europe and those who came from
Marocco,Spain and some more places, and there is hatred between these two groups too! And then there are
the more religeous (jewish) people and the less religeous people, AND THERE'S HATRED BETWEEN THEM
TOO!!! So I look at all this hate and i ask myself why? what's the big deal of getting along, it really isn't hard at
all. So I'm saying this just to make people know. to make you (and me) think what can happen in my country
befor people realize how stupid this whole situation is, and why couldn't we avoide it. I know all sound
corney and all but think of it for a secound, it can be avoided VERRY easely.
So why doesn't it?  

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Latest reply: May 10, 1999

A bit of what's happening in my country as i see it and what's happening in my head

I'd like to tell you a bit of what's happening in my country as i see it and what's happening in my head generally.
Well, there are two groups of people here, one is the Israelies and the other group is the palestinians. I'm an
Israeli and my real problem is that hatred between the two groups, but actually it's not only between these two
groups, let's take the Israelies, so there are those who came here from Europe and those who came from
Marocco,Spain and some more places, and there is hatred between these two groups too! And then there are
the more religeous (jewish) people and the less religeous people, AND THERE'S HATRED BETWEEN THEM
TOO!!! So I look at all this hate and i ask myself why? what's the big deal of getting along, it really isn't hard at
all. So I'm saying this just to make people know. to make you (and me) think what can happen in my country
befor people realize how stupid this whle thing situation is, and why couldn't we avoide it. I know all corney and
all but think of it for a secound, it can be avoided VERRY easely. So why doesn't it?  

Discuss this Journal entry [1]

Latest reply: May 10, 1999

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