Journal Entries


On this day I was informed of the demise of the greatest band from Bradford, Terrorvision. This news has hit me hard, they are the band that got me through my teenage years. This is like a peripherary member of my family dying. I remember when i met leigh at the may ball at derby uni 2 years ago, i was shaking, i have never shaken in anyones presence before and since, these guys are my idols. the reason i love terrorvision is the songs, how infectious are they!!!! I remember hearing perseverence for the first time, I was so wrapped up in it, i was having feelings for a song. if the songs took a human form, then they would be of such awesome beauty that you would have to turn away in fear of being mesmerised for the rest of your life.
so to the end a twenty one gun salute, a tear in the eye, but an infectious song in the heart.
Thank You
Good Luck
Good Bye


PS I'll raise a tequila this weekend for you

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Latest reply: Jun 20, 2001


This is just my goodbye to my favorite writer, Douglas Adams. I feel honoured to have shared a surname with a man that not only had one of the most vivid imaginations, but also inspired imaginations with his stories. We have lost one of our best story tellers and forward thinkers in this country.
I would like to see his memory up held in this site and create something that we know he would be proud of.
Let's also hope that the question that he got asked the most will have an answer, and there will be a hitch hikers movie.
So here is to every character he created, every comic scene that made me laugh and every piece of imagination he sparked.

You will be sorely missed.


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Latest reply: May 14, 2001

When is an Engineer not an Engineer

when they don't have a Degree!

bad joke I know, but i've got to the stage where i can't stand it anymore.


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Latest reply: Apr 5, 2001

fear factory

wow, wow, wow, and indeed, wow. I went last night to see fear factory at the portmouth pyramids, and to say they are an excellent live band is a fairly big understatement. They sound big and almost apocalyptic on record, but live they are the end of the world. They played a few new songs including what will become (you can download it from roadrunners website), and linchpin (the next single) and it became very clear that their next album is going to do a sizable amount of rear end kicking. I was surprised by that, but the real shock came with the exclusion of martyr. I imagine i am going to have to wait till the next headlining tour after the album is released. however all the other classic were there: demanufacture, self-bias resistor, shock, edgecrusher, and my fav live factory song of all time; ressurection.

verdict: best live band that side of the atlantic by a country mile, and can't wait for the new album: DIGIMORTAL, 23RD OF APRIL

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Latest reply: Mar 20, 2001

It's all back

Hello again everybody. It's nice to be out as the stereophonics once said. If I am allowed here is my opinion on the whole BBC/h2g2 situation. First the good hopefully the servers and software is now more up to the task of a large community and we will never see slow refeshes and multiple postings ever agian. I would be very happy If this is the case.

That is unfortunately the end of the good and on to the bad.

my whole point is "Are we going to be censored". "House Rules" is, in my opinion, just a kind way of saying "restrictions". It's a well known fact that as one of the most respectable media corporation in the world, the BBC has an image to uphold. I'm not too sure why they took this on in that respect, as it is a bit of a risk. When h2g2 was an independent site the rules seemed a lot more flexable, the policing standard have to be witnessed first, but I reckon it would be a lot lot less strick old old-skool h2g2. I'm not saying they did a bad job before, but what I am saying they concentrated on what mattered, THE ACTUAL QUALITY OF THE CONTENT. I fear that with the BBC as the paymasters, because of their image, the beeb may want the editors not to focus on what is said but how it is said. For an example if a racist was on h2g2 (I realise that the same wouldn't have happened on the old h2g2, this is strickly illustration only)
and decided to air their views, would you rather not see it, or take in what has been said, formulate your own opinion on the matter and and address the person in a reasonable manner. The example is a tad extreme I admit, but people in an online community need to have there minds as free as possible (how 1960's is that), to encourage freedom of choice, expression, and speech.

In conclusion: Will the beeb force the quality of the community down just to keep it's image, or will it let the community grow into the most vibrent discussion and inormation tool on the web. I hope it is the latter, i'm sure Sir DNA (the Knighthoods in the post) had that in mind when he first tought about this idea.

I'm not normally like this by the way, bit too geeky to be a revolutionist.

I apologise for any spelling mistakes, I don't do much writing any more.

One last point did anyone notice how quick the beeb were to distance themselves from the temporary discussion forum. Like I said Why Have they done this?

cheers for listening (sounds cooler than reading)

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Latest reply: Mar 15, 2001

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