This is the Message Centre for SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Milk Please !!!

Post 1


I'll just sit in the corner, nursing an ice cold glass of milk if that's ok... Thought I'd call around to your home after noticing you around my latest haunts...
How long until you re-decorate?

Milk Please !!!

Post 2

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Hi, Greebo, thanx for dropping by. Smell that milk first - I haven't been in much today smiley - smiley Maybe you could be my interior designer, but I think the place will have to stay utilitarian because I'm on a network server at my work, and I can't see how h2g2's server can get at any stuff through the firewall. Advice welcome if you know about these things. Don't sit in the corner, though: come over here and sit in the big green comfy chair.

Milk Please !!!

Post 3


Was that chair always green?!

Can't help with the firewall... sorry... smiley - sadface

Milk Please !!!

Post 4

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Ah no, maybe it wasn't always green. Had it so long I can't remember. But once you get over the strange smell, it's quite comfortable, don't you think? As to the firewall, there might be the possibility of finding space on h2g2's own server for a pic or two, so you can all see what Spiny looks like. And then I'll think about some ruby tafetta for the walls...

Milk Please !!!

Post 5


I got used to the smell, the strange greasy feeling was a little harder to overcome, but I managed it...
Are you going to bring me my milk??? ~tapping foot impatiently~... oh and if you have them... can I have a cookie too?

Milk Please !!!

Post 6

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Ha! What did your last slave die of?! smiley - smiley

Well the cookies currently on offer are organic orange-flavoured "Duchy Originals". Sounds v. posh I know, but they're just Sainsbury's. Bought them to try them and will be getting some more, I think. Or you could have some of the Rover Assorted that I keep for the band, if your tastes are less exotic. Might be a bit soft though, but that doesn't seem to matter to musicians as long as the tea's hot.

We often get bludragon and Fesival dropping by here, though they haven't been in for a few days. blu's in Michigan, and I think Fest is in Holland. blu is all over h2g2, and Fest has an interest in extra-terrestial intelligence and has been co-ordinating the SETI@Home page.

Okay, here's yer milk - semi-skimmed okay?

Milk Please !!!

Post 7

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran




hullo, Spiny! I've been wandering again. Just visited someone who thinks highly of Anne McCaffrey! one of my favorite people! left a message...they might want to check it out.

*wink, wink*
*hint, hint*

now can I have a cookie [or several] please?

And can I meet your new friend? I dont think we've really been introduced *snicker, snicker*


Milk Please !!!

Post 8

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Ohhhh, Ohhhhh...I almost forgot. About the firewall problem. I have three solutions
1. There IS a plan afoot to create some space here for uploads. I dunno how soon, tho.
2. Some of the free webspace services DO allow remote links to stuff on the sites. Dont remember which ones. Some of the biggest ones like Geocities, dont allow it, but I saw a list somewhere of those that DO. Will rummage around and see if I can find names.
3. I do have some space two different places that I could loan you a bit of until something else gets worked out. Just email me your graphics, and I will upload them and send you the link.

Of course, I WILL require a large amount of cookies, tea, and that other volatile brownish liquid, in addition to some nice chats, as compensation for my efforts...

PS let me know if you want #3 and I will provide email address

Milk Please !!!

Post 9

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Hi blu, wondered where ya been. Typical! Take the lid off the cookie jar and watch everybody appear, eh? Alright, have one, in fact, have two. Quite tasty for organic stuff, aren't they. And I think I feel like some good strong coffee this mellow November afternoon with the smell of burning leaves wafting in to the office...oh no, wait a minute, somebody's sneaked out onto the roof to smoke a pipe. A nice cafettiere of Lavazza, I think, who's joining me?

Greebo and I met over at the "They" forum, which is a mighty weird place to go. And maybe "beards", but it's all getting to be a blur. So - no don't get up - Greebo:blu, blu:Greebo. There! I already know you'll get on.

Have to enlighten me on Anne McCaffrey...

And thanks for the tech info. I've put a plea in for space on h2g2 Post in return for some incisive lifestyle articles. So that'll work then(!) If not then Plan 3.

Coffee's nearly ready - I'll get out the tiny cups.

Milk Please !!!

Post 10


Hi blu... er... that Anne McCaffrey thing is on my page... smiley - bigeyes small world or what... and hands off my cookies, I was here first...
Semi-skimmed is fine and dandy, dandy and fine... any milk is good actually, except month old stuff, that tends to put me off a little... Oh, has those cookies got choccie on them???

Milk Please !!!

Post 11

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Hullo, hullo
I just got too excited when I saw the Anne McCaffrey entry on your page, and plunged in before we had been properly introduced.
smiley - smiley
Hope there are still some cookies left, Spiny usually has all kinda good stuff around. If you're good, I'll bring some chock'lit chip cookies next time.
I don't think I need a pipe, tho. I usually can smoke just fine on my own; no combustables needed.
*hee, hee, hee*
So Greebo, I think you should explain to Spiny about Anne McCaffrey, since the entry was on your page. 'Course her dragons were purely fictional, unlike myself who is [am?] quite real.


Milk Please !!!

Post 12


Wayhay... are you allowed to use words such as excited, entry and plunged in one paragraph?! smiley - winkeye

WOWOW... I gets real excited (LOL) over Choc/Chip cookies... Yummy Scrummy in my Tummy... Hmmmmm... ~licking lips in anticipation~

Anne McCaffrey is the author of rather a lot of fantasy books, and a fewer number of sci-fi books. Proberly her most famous series of books are about the Dragonriders of Pern... Starting off with Dragonflight, she tells the story of how the dragons and their riders, (who bond together when the dragons hatch from eggs), fight back from near extinction, to save the people of the planet Pern.
Its a long a complicated story, not worthy of just the few lines I have written here. The best thing you could do, is to get a copy of Dragonflight, and settle back and let your imagination take you on a ride with the dragons... You won't regret it... smiley - smiley
She has also written other series of books such as, The Crystal Singer, The Cattani, The Tower & The Hive, and never forgetting, The Ship Who Sang Is Not Alone Series... (Can't think of another title for that series of books sorry!!!)

Phew... my fingers are beginning to ache after all that typing... hope it makes Anne McCaffrey a little clearer to you...

Milk Please !!!

Post 13

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Now, now, this IS a family oriented Guide. So try to restrain your enthusiasm for the choc'lit chips.

Here, I brought lots for everyone. They're just warm from the oven [I owe my typist big time for that] and I brought lotsa nice, cold milk to go with them. So dig in!

If you hadda copy of Dragonflight, you could settle into a cozy chair and read. Hoo-boy: cookies, milk and Anne McCaffrey
...better than sex...


Milk Please !!!

Post 14


Nothing's better than sex... I don't think so... smiley - winkeye
Now maybe Doughnut's and ice cold milk... hmmm... Nope... not even that...

Milk Please !!!

Post 15

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Hey ladies! You're making an old man blush. Well, very nearly. The Evil Employer is hovering today, so haven't got time to talk much. Treat the place as your own - oh, I see you have already - and I'm so glad to see you're getting on so well. Now all we need is Festival to complete the jollities. Where HAS that boy gone?

Milk Please !!!

Post 16

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

You mean the cookie crumbs everywhere, and the glasses with dried milk at the bottom???? I thought you just had the same decorating tastes I do...

Festival's been very busy with the sub-community-editor voting...and various other stuff. He's harder to follow around than I am, hehehehehe

So, Spiny, do you enjoy fantasy fiction like Anne McCaffrey? Cant remember if we have discussed reading tastes.

Hope everyone liked the cookies. I imagine it's teatime in the UK about now-or at least soon. So we can get the teathings out.

Whats your favorite teatime treat??? Some esoteric British thing?????
Greebo? Spiny? Anybody? Beuhler?
smiley - winkeye


Milk Please !!!

Post 17


Tea time treat... hmm.. got to be the afor mentioned doughnuts... I'm a doughnutholic... if there is such a word, if not I have just invented it as I have got to be one... smiley - smiley

Milk Please !!!

Post 18

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

so do they have crullers in the UK???

They are a kinda raised doughnuts that are made in the US. Quality varies, but at their best they are wonderfully sugery and greasy. YUM!!

The very best doughnut here is Krispy Kreme. Only recently available in my area. The classic raised doughnut. But the kind you dream about: lighter than air, with a sweet glaze. They literally melt in your mouth. Hmmmmm...I may have to rush out and buy a dozen or so. Fortunately since there is no Krispy Kreme shop in my neighborhood I can only buy them by the dozen at my grocery. Darn! And I really only wanted one or two. But I will have to eat all 12 before they go stale, cause a doughnut is a terrible thing to waste...

So what's YOUR favorite??????

Milk Please !!!

Post 19

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Hi guys, another crisp clear November day here in Edinburgh - when will this spell end? Not that I'm complaining. Although the temperature drops at night so I have to roll into a ball to keep warm, and sometimes that makes me think I'm hibernating. Doesn't cut much ice with the Evil Employer as an excuse when I roll in late for work. "Sorry, Boss, I was hibernating. I set the alarm for April but I didn't hear it go off."

Thanks for the literary info, Greebo. I haven't read any of her books, I'm afraid. Like most people, I'd like to read a lot more fiction than I do, but I don't use the excuse of not having time, I'd always say I don't make time. I've just embarked on re-reading Thomas Pynchon's "Gravity's Rainbow", and I was halfway through "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" by James Joyce but I left it on a plane. But the lit usually gets pushed to one side the minute one of my techie magazines come in. Being a sound engineer, I tend to kid myself that I need to keep up to date with the latest equipment. How sad is that?

Not a great do-head myself, blu. Ordinary biscuits, or cookies as you call 'em, go with my tea for the most part, sometimes a bit of cake - whatever looks good when prowling the supermarket. And I do like strong plain chocolate. The current favourite is Lindt 70%: two squares of that'll last me all night. I marvel at my own restraint sometimes...

Gotta go just now - you gonna rinse these glasses or wait till we've used all the ones in the cupboard?

Milk Please !!!

Post 20


Hey, I'm treating your place as my home, so the dirty glasses get left in the sink till the clean ones run out!!!

My favourite doughnut, is the fresh ones bought straight from the local doughnut seller... hmmm... yum... warm, mouth watering, sugary, not stodgy, but light and fluffy... I can almost taste them now... hmmmmmmmmmm...

Oooppss... ~poot~... got drool on the keyboard again!!!! Better go and clear it up, before my pc exlodes or something... ~double poot~

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