This is the Message Centre for SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Milk Please !!!

Post 21

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Well, alright, I guess I can handle a virtual sink full of dirty glasses. A real one would be another matter smiley - smiley

You're safe enough to drool on the keyboard, Greebo. It might build up an unpleasant patina with time, but it won't do the damage that drooling through the slots at the top of the monitor will (a techie speaks).

Oh alright then - give us one of those donuts - a poor hedgehog can only hold out so long. Besides, it'll build up my reserves for the hibernation months.

Milk Please !!!

Post 22


I'll share my doughnuts if you manage to spell the word properly... smiley - winkeye

Milk Please !!!

Post 23

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

English = doughnuts.

American = donuts.

smiley - smiley

Night night!

Milk Please !!!

Post 24


Oh Poot!!!

Does that mean I gotta share now?!



Milk Please !!!

Post 25

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Yes! Anyway, sharing is good, it builds character. But don't worry too much - I'm only little and could probably only manage one do/doughnut.

Hey - do you guys know anything about browsers? I've just spent a frustrating h2g2-less day because a machine I sat down at (they like us to hot-desk here) only had Iexplore 3.02 and all that came up for h2g2 was "hide this script from non-java-enabled browsers" and 44 pages of scribble. Why's that then? Somebody suggested h2g2 has moved on from ie3.02, but that wouldn't be fair to people with older browsers, would it? Yours in ignorance...

Milk Please !!!

Post 26

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

so I asked the PTB cause I have heard others talk about the same problem. Here is the answer from Bruce [the one who does the GuideXML page]

"This particular problem is 'known' at h2g2 - it seems to happen when an unregistered person (or a person on a 'puter without a cookie) arrives at the front page using an old browser like IE3.

There's a conversation about it on Jim Lynn's page @

If you know someone having the problem the easiest workaround at the
moment is to send them to so they
can register or login as appropriate."

If you still have problems, let me know or check out the above link.

smiley - smiley


Milk Please !!!

Post 27


You want ONE WHOLE doughnut for yourself... gosh, that seems somewhat greedy... ~grin~

Milk Please !!!

Post 28

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

aha! now's our chance, Greebo! He's gone for the weekend...

We get ALL the doughnuts [and the donuts, too]. :->


Milk Please !!!

Post 29


You mean me got to share with you too... Oh golly, I only bought 269, not sure if there will be enough to go around... smiley - winkeye

Milk Please !!!

Post 30

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Oh, that's ok...

250 or so should be all I need--at least for now



Milk Please !!!

Post 31


But that only leaves me with 19... smiley - sadface

Milk Please !!!

Post 32

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran


You mean YOU also need dragon-sized 'infusions of doughnut/donut'????
smiley - bigeyes

Wait here!

I'll be RIGHT BACK!!!!!

*flap, flap, flap, flap*

Milk Please !!!

Post 33

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

*flap, flap, flap*


*pant, pant*

Here they are!!!!



*sets down large pallet of donut boxes*

[or DONUTS!!!!!]

glazed donuts, filled donuts, custard donuts, chock'lit donuts, jelly donuts, donuts with sprinkles, friedcakes...did I forget your favorite???

Oh, and here's some milk...

*sets down shiny, stainless steel, commercial-size container of ice-cold milk*

DIG IN! There's enough here for BOTH of us...and maybe we can leave one or two for SPINY when he gets to work on Monday.

smiley - smiley

Stands back and waits for guest to be served first.


Milk Please !!!

Post 34


Ohhhh... wowowowowowowowwowowowowow!!!


~hugging bluDragon~

"Hmmpplll mumpphh slllleeeop wrihy" smiley - smiley


~wiping mouth~

"Good grub!!!"


Milk Please !!!

Post 35

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Morning all! I was just - bloody hell! look at the state of the place! You chicks must've been do/ughnut partying all weekend. And what's this broken old crate doing on me kitchen worktop? Well, at least it hides the dirty glasses. I can see I'm going to have to get an automatic dishwasher if I'm to entertain on this scale. I'll just ease myself into this chair *revolting wet squelchy sound* What's this I've just sat on?! *examines gooey patch on backside* Laydeez! who left the bag of custard do/ughnuts on my chair? I'll have to go off for a shower now, an' I wasn't planning that until after hibernation! Well, while I'm off doing that, you can regain some brownie points, blu, by making some toast with this nice crusty loaf I've brought for breakfast. After all, what's the point of using an electric toaster when you've got a dragon around the place? *Exits, leaving yellow trail on floor*

Milk Please !!!

Post 36

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran


uh-oh, Spiny's must be--Monday!

[raises head, looks around]

I've been having nightmares of being chased by a large donut, wonder if it was something I ate...?????


[holds stomach, attempts to assume vertical position]

got to to hide to clean up or will never be invited back...


YUCK! what is that stuff on the chair....oh dear! it looks like two-dimensional donuts...could someone have SAT on them?????

[scrapes remains into trash, takes empty milk can and wooden pallet outside]

HALLOOOO! mr. milkman! this must have dropped off of your truck!
hehe ... got rid of THAT...

[puts what's left of pallet into trash and returns inside]

*hears shower noises*


[fills sink with soapy water, washes glasses, scrapes crumbs, chocolate sprinkles, powdered sugar into trash, washes off all horizontal surfaces--including strange yellow trail on floor]

lessee now: hot buttered toast, tea, clean cups...there!

Oh, Spiny!? Good morning? And how was YOUR weekend????


Milk Please !!!

Post 37

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

What the..oops

*runs back into shower, re-emerges wearing towel and red face*

Erm, hello blu, thought you and Greebo would be outside throwing

Wow! look at the place! Takes a woman's touch to get it looking as good as this, he said in a smarmy, sexist kind of way. Breakfast on the table as well! Why, if we wasn't both attached, I'd marry you right here and now! And Greebo too, since I'm sure she helped. (Well, there's surely no limit on virtual partners is there?)

*Thinks he can get away with stuff today because the girls feel guilty about trashing the place. Sees blu's nostrils begin to flare and re-assesses situation*

Er... tea and toast, anyone? Shall I pour?

Milk Please !!!

Post 38

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

shall I WARM the toast.....
or toast the host???
[oh, well, have always had soft spot in my dragonish heart for smarmy sexists]

Tea, please!
smiley - smiley

Milk Please !!!

Post 39

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Here's a nice cuppa for you, then, and I suppose you're one of the few people who never needs to worry if their drink's too cold - one quick snort and it's boiling again. Unfortunately the bone china probably doesn't survive the experience. I'll just look on the bottom of these old mugs to see if they're dragonproof - oh bugger! There was hot tea in that! What a dope. The shower must've made me sleepy.

Well while you girls were a-doughnutting, I was having a very lazy weekend, apart from playing with a ceilidh band on Saturday at a function for a local choir group. That was great fun because they were all up for dancing all the time and every number filled the floor. Sometimes I've played at dances where it's all you can do to get them up even for a waltz, which most people will usually do because they know how to waltz or just want to press themselves against somebody they fancy. I'm such a crap dancer that I prefer the safety of the bandstand myself, but this group wanted all the dances they could fit in (including the near-lethal Cumberland Reel where the gents spin the ladies so fast their feet come off the ground)and would have gone on all night if the hotel hadn't closed at 1am. So Sunday wasn't what you'd call energetic for me.

Anyway, let me stick a bit of bread on the end of this fork - okay, blu: toast please!

Milk Please !!!

Post 40

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

Ahhhh...a quiet afternoon, tea in a sturdy mug [open end up, please--hee hee], and toasting practice.

OK, hold the fork out straight, no dressing gown sleeves hanging down...

hmmm... sometimes it's a little hard to control this in tight corners....


ahha! haven't lost my touch either. There you go, then, some nicely toasted bread. Quick now, butter it before it goes all cold.


strange...I have no taste at all for breakfast desire for doughnuts...*burp*

So, Spiny, I have forgot; what instrument were you playing at the ceilidh??? Sounds like fun!


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