SLAYER the best band in the world.
In my opinion the best band in the world would have to be slayer, I've been listening to them for 16 years and they just keep getting better and better. Most people can't appreciate the talent that Kerry King and Jeff Hanneman have to play with such precise timing at the speed they do, Tom Araya's vocals express the feeling that the music is there to give you, the feeling of adrenalin pumping through your veins. Most folks would call it a noise and "That's easy, I could do that!" alot of people say, well try it! it's not in any way simple or easy to play. Credit where it's due SLAYER long may they 'REIGN IN BLOOD'Latest Messages
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SSSSLLLLAAAAYYYYEEEERRRR!!!!!!!!!!! | Oct 15, 2000 |
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Only ONE dissapointment.... | May 23, 1999 | Nov 22, 2007 |
legalisatation arguement | May 7, 1999 | Dec 4, 2000 |
bike lessons | May 7, 1999 | No Replies |
Researcher U34390
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