Large, Comforting Yellow Letters

I find that I have been assigned to inhabit, monitor and report on events in a City on the Potomac River, known as "Washington, D.C." The place appears to be a swampish, mosquito-infested pesthole that is scheduled for demolition, to make way for an intergalactic causeway. (The plans are on file in the basement of . . , oh, never mind...) There are more politicians than mosquitos, and more automobiles than politicians (although they aren't half as loud). Most of the politicians meet in an ornate, domed palace on the highest promontory in town. At first impression, it appears that its inmates are paid handsomely to talk about how humans should stop killing and hurting each other. They drive in fortified vehicles past numerous examples of that behavior on the way home. Their speeches are twice as bad as Vogon poetry, and last three times as long. More research to follow, but my initial impression neither qualifies the area as "harmless," NOR "mostly harmless."

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Yellow... May 10, 1999


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Utterly Sans Panic

Researcher U34275


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