This is the Message Centre for vegiman:-)

HI vegiman:-)

Post 41


Hey Hman

Nice of you to drop in - Most of the PR's went to the Christmas do - so, I should think they will be busy on the Post today if they do not have any hang overs. I will be checking any emails from time to time but Xmas looms and I am getting extra busy - I shall be working most of the day on my other two computers.

How are things your end.
VegThingmebob. smiley - winkeye

HI vegiman:-)

Post 42

Mr. Shower Touchie

Ummmm...I'm beginning to wonder, what is the agenda? Is there an agenda? I believe my complete inactivity is the cause of my confusion. What shall I do? Anybody have any ideas?

Hi vegiman:-)

Post 43


Hi Mr. Twilight
Thanks for dropping in

My answer would be to do something - As you found your way here - you must have done something, so it could be confusing - Just carry on and enjoy - Follow any links you like and join in the fray - then you will not be inactive - Confusing or what !!!

Hi vegiman:-)

Post 44

Mr. Shower Touchie

Oh, yeah, that's the ticket! Thanks! Actually the problem is not doing something or not, but what to do, or what not to do. All I've got to put my time into now is this here video game I'm making, and I don't know if it's healthy to just write on it all the live-long day. You know what I mean? I seem to be stuck in a rut.

Hi vegiman:-)

Post 45


Take care the old phone bills don't get too high or you will find you have nothing to so. BTW the next issue of the Post is due out tomorrow. catch it at
vegimansmiley - smileyPR

HI vegiman:-)

Post 46

Ender Wiggin

This page is much more pleasant that being repeatedly flogged by wet noodles while I bathe in a sea of fetid locusts.

HI vegiman:-)

Post 47

third asst. eng.(deuce of clubs)

quite true,

or putting your eyes out with a buring stick (the second most usefull hichhicking thing ever, the stick that is not the fire on it) in free fall over the sarhara deseart without a parachute.

HI vegiman:-)

Post 48

Ender Wiggin

That is an effective method for hiding one's self. For we all know, if you can't see them, they can't see you!

HI vegiman:-)

Post 49


Watch out - I have my video cam point right at you.

HI vegiman:-)

Post 50

Ender Wiggin

However, since reality is defined by my perception of it, I will uninvent that camera by denying it's futile existence.

HI vegiman:-)

Post 51


*settles in* ... This one could go on for a while. smiley - winkeye

HI vegiman:-)

Post 52


*Comfy Now* - OK - its not real - nor is h2g2 - its a figment of our imaginations. You cabt touch it, smell it - you only see it in your minds eye.

HI vegiman:-)

Post 53

Ender Wiggin

This entire moment of our existance (for it is only one moment) is a parable unfolding in what we believe is our life. We experience it chronologically (for the most part) so our mind can understand the context of who we are. We say dreams are symbols, for the universal language of archetypes and personal revelation. Yet we are so sure reality is any different?

HI vegiman:-)

Post 54


I am of firm belief that reality has no place showing it's face in the world.

HI vegiman:-)

Post 55

Ender Wiggin

::sits perplexed, trying to visual a face for reality... would it have a prolonged nose?::

The face of reality...

Post 56


As much butting in as it does, surely it must have!?

The face of reality...

Post 57

Ender Wiggin

Yes, but anchored loosely in the face of reality is the mouth of madness.

The face of reality...

Post 58


Let's not be forgetting the ears of insane wisdom.

The face of reality...

Post 59

Ender Wiggin

Would the eyes then represent subjective beauty?

The face of reality...

Post 60


No, they would represent the devine use of wrenches.

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