This is the Message Centre for vegiman:-)

Hi vegiman:-)

Post 81


10 years - Why should I know ? I can't remember an Alison 10 years into my past - or do you talk in riddles to get noticed. Mmmmm.
Perplexed, vegimansmiley - smiley

Hi vegiman:-)

Post 82

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

if it gets me noticed, i'd be willing to do just about anything. here, vegiman, have a couple of choccies. i think they're magic!!!!!smiley - fish@

Hi vegiman:-)

Post 83


If you like to be noticed why not go skinny dipping - everybody is naked at the party - at the moment they are having a whale of a party there>

catcha soon vegsmiley - smiley

Hi vegiman:-)

Post 84

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

*alicat strips down to nothing* last one in is a rotten egg... (how original, eh.) "seeing things that were not there" smiley - fish@

Hi vegiman:-)

Post 85


*pokes in another pointer*

Time for seven yet? smiley - winkeye


Hi vegiman:-)

Post 86

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

@YES@. cyan blue is my favourite colour. the water's so nice and warm...did someone pee in here?smiley - fish@

HI vegiman:-)

Post 87

The Driver

Hi vegimansmiley - smiley Long time no speak, happy new millennium, how you doin..........Driversmiley - smiley

Hi vegiman:-)

Post 88


Hi Driver - How are things up north. Happy Mineloneum to you too.
I am still working on the Post at pop over and have a look see.

Alicat - you don't take your clothes of here - do it at the party link above.

Hi Nonnie thanks for dropping in

Hi vegiman:-)

Post 89

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

what if i really want to take my clothes off?smiley - fish@

Hi vegiman:-)

Post 90


Would someone mind telling me what the heck is that next posting?

Hi vegiman:-)

Post 91

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

i think the unknown researcher is shy.smiley - fish@

Hi vegiman:-)

Post 92


That may be, but is the weirdness all mine, or has anyone else tried clicking the link in the thread side?

Hi vegiman:-)

Post 93

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

the weirdness is everything's, and it's here to stay. would you like a choccysmiley - fish? the knotted cord's untying...smiley - fish@

Hi vegiman:-)

Post 94


*nibbles fish while peering through slitted eyes at Researcher U

HI vegiman:-)

Post 95

The Cheese

Hello vegimansmiley - smiley. I posted this using the handy thingy on your page. Speaking of which, I now have one of these on my page thanks to you. Thanks smiley - smiley.

HI vegiman:-)

Post 96

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

Hi vegimansmiley - smiley

Or G'day as we say in these parts. Just a quick note to say love your home page and see you around.

Cheers, Linus smiley - smiley

HI vegiman:-)

Post 97

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Hi vegimansmiley - smileywell, here we are again. you don't remember me from 1989, we were introduced then. now, 11 years later, it's day 1. i have made it official. have you met TowelMaster? of course you have. you know everything. it's Katsy's birthday tomorrow, it'd be nice for her to hear from you. boy, you're going to be busy. i'll help, don't worry. smiley - fish@

Hi vegiman:-)

Post 98

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

all right, i give up, i know when i've been outsmarted. you have to meet me for the surrender, though. it's your move, vegiman! i know who you are. i know your weakness!

Hi vegiman:-)

Post 99


Do - you ?? - trying to get my attention again - you give up too easily - It takes the fun out of the Chase.
veg: - I don't know who the Mystery Researcher is - but what a calling card. I can only guess it is one of the h2g2'ers having a bit of fun - If Jim Lynn finds out who - they will be in trouble.
vegsmiley - smiley

HI vegiman:-)

Post 100

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Hi vegimansmiley - smiley

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