This is the Message Centre for The H2G2 Editors

Goodbye Douglas

Post 21

Salamander the Mugwump

So long Douglas. Loved the books and hoped there would be many more.

My condolences to your family.


Goodbye Douglas

Post 22

The Dancing Tree

Maybe now Douglas will find the ultimate answer to the ultimate question as he Hitch Hikes to a better place.

Deepest condolences to his family -- the world has lost a truly great man who gave so much pleasure to so many.

In his memory, let us all make H2G2 a legacy that he could be proud of.

Goodbye Douglas

Post 23

Zak T Duck


You have been an inspiration and guiding star to us all. Go forth into the light and find that queston.


Goodbye Douglas

Post 24


My father emailed the New York Times obituary to me here at school. It only seemed proper to come here first. We all thank Douglas for the insight, concepts, and of course, joy that he brought the world. I just hope we can carry on the great projects Mr. Adams had only begun to unveil. For as the Nigerians say, one only dies when they are no longer remembered.
God bless,

Goodbye Douglas

Post 25

Courtney Patron Saint of Social Embarassment

I just heard about 20 minutes ago, it is such a shock and a tragady for someone so young to go so suddenly.

My deepest sympathies go out to his family and friends. Always remember all the good times and all the laughs.

Love, Courtney smiley - hug to all

Goodbye Douglas

Post 26

Ming Mang

I think the books are so important to many many people worldwide. They express philosophies and thoughts that seem familar to everyone who reads them, and also change many people's ways of thinking, often for the better as they become more open-minded. smiley - smiley
I talk only about the books, as they have affected me and my way of thinking so much. It may not be incredibly important to Douglas, but they are to me and many others, and also our only contact with him, so I think it is best that I don't stick my nose in anywhere else.
The personal goodbyes I think should be left to those he knew personally... I am saying goodbye to a great author who I admired and respected and have just started crying about...

So long...


I hardly know what to say.

Post 27


This is really shocking. Douglas Adams has always been there, I'm tempted to think, "this isn't right, he can't be gone!". I grew up reading the hhg. Now I'm a grown man, but I still remember what a large role his works and his thinking played in my development as an individual, in my process of learning to think for myself. I never expected it to end this soon. He's always been there... but then, so have other amazing authors who changed my life, like Dr. Asimov, who have passed on. It always saddens me whenever a great artist dies. Isaac Asimov, Gene Roddenberry, Henry Mancini, now DNA. Every time, I think to myself, "Why did THEY have to be mortal? Didn't they deserve more time, after all the good they've done?" Whenever someone like that dies I can't help feeling betrayed by life. Especially when they die young and unexpectedly like this. I always intended to meet Douglas someday.

Anyway, I'm getting needlessly sappy and I should stop. But this IS how I feel. And if Mrs. Adams and their daughter read this, I truly feel for you. I've always felt from his novels that I knew Douglas in some small way. I can't imagine the loss you're going through, but I hope you make it through o.k.


Goodbye Douglas

Post 28

Barneys Bucksaws

I just heard, and I am deeply shocked and saddened. My thoughts and prayers go out to Douglas' family and friends. His books, and books on tape have given me hours of entertainment. He was truly a creative genius. Douglas will live on in his books, and to all of us who play in h2g2.

Rest well, Douglas - you will be sorely missed.


Goodbye Douglas

Post 29

The Dancing Tree

I think this year's FA Cup final will remain with me for a long time, as I was flitting through teletext during half-time when I saw the news: Douglas Adams has died. Quite frankly, I'm still in shock. It's too soon: he's too young, too gifted, way too talented for the spark to suddenly die away without warning.

People talk about DNA being a cult writer, but I've never thought that myself. HHGTTG, along with all his other works, were far more than the genre, full of humanity, humour and oddness that meant one could read them so many times, yet still discover new things.

As I've previously said, I only hope that this doesn't finally halt production of the movie, which has been wavering over the past months. It would be a great tribute for it to appear, even if DNA isn't around to see it.

Finally, let us all continue to make H2G2 one of, if not the best place to be on the Internet. What better legacy could be for one so entwined in the future, technology and the realms of imagination?

Rest in peace, Douglas. You will be very much missed.

A saddening loss

Post 30


It certainly is a saddening loss to think of such a funny, creative author dying so young.

I´m sure he could have contributed more great books for all of us to enjoy and think about. It might have taken him a few more sessions in the tub, but eventually the next book would have come.

My best wishes for a difficult time go to his family and friends. Be sure that many others share your grief.

Frankfurt, Germany

Goodbye Douglas

Post 31


I spent so much time growing up reading his books and listening to the radio series of the book that it is permanantly a part of me, as I'm sure it is for a lot of people out there...

Rest in Peace

Goodbye Douglas

Post 32

Researcher 159112

Rest In Peace Douglas.

Thanks for all the books...

Goodbye Douglas

Post 33

Jamie of the Portacabin

It's a damn shame. I don't normally get upset but I am feeling so now. smiley - cry

The Guide is his legacy. Help it grow.

Goodbye Douglas

Post 34


Here was a man who thought outside the box, his books should be required reading for kids in school, jb on Maui

Goodbye Douglas

Post 35



Goodbye Douglas

Post 36

Teflon Surface

Nothing is funny today.
The air is difficult to breathe today.
There have been few days like today in my life.
I will rededicate the rest of my days to the memory of Douglas Adams.

Goodbye Douglas

Post 37

Tilly - back in mauve

Reading his books will never be the same again. This is a sad, sad day... I really don't know what to say. So long, Douglas Adams...

Goodbye Douglas

Post 38

Researcher 173399

Sadness overcomes me like all the other millions of people.

Douglas Adams...

I don´t know what to say know.


from germany

Goodbye Douglas

Post 39


Once more cruel fate strikes the world, and takes away a man of great talent who brought happiness to many, many people through his art. There can be noone else like him. I hope that his works are never lost, and continue to bring cheer for centuries to come.

To Jane and Polly, my deepest sympathy. Words cannot describe or ease what you are feeling.

Goodbye Douglas

Post 40


Goodbye, God bless

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