This is the Message Centre for marvthegrate LtG KEA

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 1

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Now that I have been back for three days I figure that I should write a bit about the weekend I spent in California.

I have a rather early flight (0630 EDT). This means that I have to be at the airport even earlier and awake earlier still... The plan was to wake up at 0300 so I could have a lesuirly drive to the airport and grab some breakfast on the way. This was not to be. I get up later than I wanted and had to haul ass just to get to the airport, where I fail to find the parkign entrance and have to go all around the place till I get back to the place to park. I just miss the shuttle to the gates as I pull in so I have to wait for 15 minutes. I run to the counter to check in and barely make it in time to get my boarding pass.
The flights from RDU to Houston and then on to Orange County were uneventful (thankfully).
I call MR as soon as I land and she tells me where to meet her. I make my way down to the baggage claim and meet up with her. It's always great seeing old friends.
MR had told me that she wanted to go to Ikea while I was there to have me help her with some boxes. I was happy to do so. We then procede to In-N-Out Burger for lunch. In-N-Out is a great hamburger. If you are in Southern California you must try it! We bring the Ikea stuff back to her apartment and begin building it (which translates roughly to me watching her build it).
Close to 1700 we get picked up by MR's friend C. We all ride over to Courtesy's apres work bar. As we walk up to the bar I spy Courtesy's famous dome. We walk up behind him and announce our presense. We enjoy a few beers with Courtesy, C, MR and another of MR's friends. It then gets close to the time we have our reservations for at The Marrakesh, so we head on over there.
At the marrakesh we make some calls to Soeasilyamused who was scheduled to join us. She arrives with D, latish but not terribly so. We all dig in to a meal that defies description. This is my favourite restaurant in the world here....
Dinner winds down but not till after we are treated with Courtesy dancing with the belly dancer (sea, did he keep that tip?). We then head over to Courtesy's to have some drinks and generally relax. By the time everyone winds down and exits stage left I am faded as I have now been up for 24-25 hours.

I stay with Courtesy for the first couple of nights. He and I decide to head on over to a local mall to do some looking around as well as to wait for MR to meet us to go see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We walk all the way down it's length, turn aroudn to deposit my camera bag in his truck, and then return to the theatre to wait for MR. We enjoy the film greatly. We then head out to Seal Beach to hook up with dw2, Courtesy's brother and some friends. We go to a great mexican joint just off the beach and enjoy great food, great conversation and great weather. I take a walk to the pier at sunset to take pictures. I can't wait to get the film developed and I hope it was not ruined by the airport scanners. That evening is back to Courtesy's for cocktails and pool with dw2 and friends.

We took a trip to a music store where I found an interesting CD and a great book by Nick Mason of Pink Floyd. We then went to Long Beach to visit the aquarium of the pacific. We had some appetisers at a restaruant right across from the aquarium. Sunday was a very relaxing day for the most part. We then met up with a non-guide friend from San Deigo for dinner at a chain chinese place with good lettuce wraps.After dinner Courtesy had to head home as he had work the next day so my friend S and I went with MR to her place for some evening conversation.

Some family friends happend to be about 50 miles south of Irvine due to the son (about a year older than me and very severely mentally disabled) being in the hospital. MR graciously drove me down there to visit my family friends. After the trip to the hospital we called Courtesy up to arrange to have a bbq at MR's. He comes over after work and we enjoy more great conversation and food.

Tuesday I fly back to RDU. Nothing great to tell there, save that it was the most uncomfortable I have ever been on an aircraft.

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 2

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Sounds fun dude. How are all the E's doing?

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 3


Glad you had a good trip - my mouth was watering at all the descriptions of delicious food.smiley - drool
Good food, good company and a few drinks - the stuff of life.

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 4


I second what Teuchter said.

Glad you enjoyed yourself - glad you made it home safely.

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 5

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Here are some pictures of the trip.

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 6

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Yeah, Morrocan food is just wonderful. The bastie (however you spell it)...smiley - drool

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 7


The Morroccan evening looked like fun. The smiley - cat, ?Pixel? - looked like a Puss With Attitude, which is the best kind.

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 8


Pixel is gorgeous. smiley - biggrin

I wish we had a Morrocan restaurant. smiley - envy We do have a new Greek restaurant. smiley - ok I give it 6 months.

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 9


Pixel thanks you, and yes she is full of attitude smiley - smiley


Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 10

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Udnerstatement of the decade there Courtesy.

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 11

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

"gettingjiggy" you look like you're dancing with a smiley - ghostsmiley - yikes

smiley - galaxy

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 12

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Pixel wouldn't stoop to thank a mere human, Courtesy. It's her due, that's all.

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 13

Mr. Cyde: The Tearer and Master of Bad Jokes.

I'm flattered thar you wore the shirt. How did id mess with all the brains?

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 14

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Hey I dig that shirt.

It did not get all that many comments but it was obsfucated by my overshirt.

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 15

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I always suspected you were bi-something, Marv.

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 16

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

*thought she was subscribedsmiley - erm*

There's In-N-Outs up here, toosmiley - drool

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 17

marvthegrate LtG KEA

BtM, I am bipedal binocular... Can't think of too many other things, but i am sure that they could be discussed.

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 18

Haylle (Nyssabird) ? mg to recovery

Airplanes..*shuddder* I'm realizing the potential folly of my having moved abroad. But who knew I would suddenly become panicky about air travel?!

I keep meaning to make a proper trip to Cali. I've been to Humboldt County but that's it. Not even San Fran! I do love it up north though...

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 19

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I prefer Southern California myself. I rather love San Diego.

Marv's Bi-coastal adventures

Post 20

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

I like visiting it. I'm not all that fond of living in it, however.

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