This is the Message Centre for Miz307


Post 541




Post 542


Hi, I hope you read ALL the mails this time and then tell me I'm still wrong. If you want copies let me know. smiley - ok

Take care, ttfn.

smiley - cat


Post 543


Hello there

I hope life is being a bit kinder to you & your health is stabilizing a bit.

Been thinking about how you you are.

Hello Miz

Post 544


Hello stranger, smiley - smiley
Plodding on as they say.
Are you re-doing your PS? Looks a little bare just now. smiley - erm

Hope all is well.

smiley - cat

Hello Miz

Post 545


Got your mail ta, I'll await your call then. Number I've got is no longer working. smiley - erm

smiley - cat

Hello Miz

Post 546


Hiya, I've replied to mail with an added post script. It's a shame all round really isn't it?, but I'm sure you'll think on and make the right choice in the end, especially if you take time out to think about things. Afterall, I can but offer advice, the choice to take that advice is upto whoever the advice is aimed at. smiley - spacesmiley - erm
We all make mistakes at times in our lives, but it's never too late to either rectify or change "the errors of our ways" as I sometimes get told and have done in the past.
Not much more I can add or say really, to be frank its not a situation I've actually been in before and its certainly not one I'd like to be in, let alone you.

smiley - cat

ps.This somewhat 'cryptic' post will have the smiley - lurk'ers guessing smiley - winkeyesmiley - smiley

Hello Miz

Post 547


Hi, mail received thanks, have sent some information in return, hope it helps.

Catch you later. smiley - erm

smiley - cat

Hello Miz

Post 548


smiley - bubbly Seasons Greetings to you and a better year smiley - bubbly

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