This is the Message Centre for Miz307

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 501


Hello stranger

Have'nt seen you about for a while, hows things?

smiley - coffee 2 sugs and some smiley - cake for later..

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 502


Hi, lot happening in RL just now, modernisation works on flat causing chaos as expected. Do without it frankly but I suppose at least it's getting done at long last. Other issues ongoing too.smiley - erm

Hope you're well, catch you later.

smiley - cat

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 503


Oh dear a bit of an upheaval smiley - sadfacesmiley - hug but sure it will be worth it.

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 504


hiya, well new windows in, new door to flat fitted, albeit, the wrong one has been fitted. smiley - dohsmiley - spaceThe correct door will take about 3 weeks to make, deliver and fit. One of these days thing's will go right first time round, I won't hold my breath though.smiley - erm

Hope all is well with you. smiley - hug

smiley - cat

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 505


Hi there smiley - smiley

That's life i'm 'fraid ST smiley - hug It does'nt always go the way we would like it smiley - sadface
But hey.. it will be nice when all is done smiley - smiley

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 506


Oh I think I'm probably more aware than most that life doesn't always go the way one expects or hope. Blimey, I'm living proof of that. Career and lifestyle badly curtailed 3 months after one's 40th birthday. Kinda dispels the saying somewhat about life begins at 40 doesn't it?smiley - erm

Yes, not only will it be great at long last to have the modernisation works done, just the windows and doors have made a vast difference to the heating situation. Also improved security as well. The doors and windows have an 8 point locking system, bolts slide into the frames on all sides of the frame.

Hope all is well with you, looks like a taste of winter on way back, take care. ttfn smiley - hug

smiley - cat

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 507


It's been horrible!! Like Spring one day, Winter the next, has'nt it..

Hope you are doing ok smiley - hug

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 508


Not doing as well as I would like but still plodding on. smiley - erm

Hope all is ok with you. Missed our chats. smiley - sadface

Catch you later hopefully. smiley - smooch

smiley - cat

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 509


Hello Puss smiley - winkeye

Keep missing you, I know

Take Care

smiley - hug

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 510


Hello, hope all is well, I'm starting to feel better again now after a rough spell.smiley - biggrin

catch you later hopefully ttfn smiley - hug

smiley - cat

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 511


Oh that's good smiley - cheerupsmiley - smiley

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 512


hiya, you should tell your keyboard it's E-numbers that are bad for you not the letter E. smiley - biggrin

I'll leave you a medicinal smiley - stiffdrink ease the numbness from the dentist. smiley - hug

Hope all else is well, enjoy this lovely weather, I'll see you later.smiley - smooch

smiley - rose

smiley - cat

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 513


Hiya, Happy Eastersmiley - spacesmiley - chicksmiley - spacesmiley - chocsmiley - spacesmiley - redwine

Hope all is well and you're able to enjoy this lovely weather. See you soon, ttfn smiley - cuddlesmiley - spacesmiley - smooch

smiley - rose

smiley - cat

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 514


"Happy Easter" to you too smiley - hugsmiley - smiley

smiley - choc

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 515


Cheers Miz. smiley - redwinesmiley - spaceHope you're feeling better real soon. smiley - cuddle

Did the easter smiley - bunny bring you lots smiley - choc's?

smiley - rose

smiley - cat

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 516


smiley - sadface No "shakes head" smiley - wah

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 517


Aaaw, thats not nice pal, smiley - cuddle

Here you go, smiley - chocsmiley - chocsmiley - chocsmiley - spacesmiley - redwinesmiley - spacesmiley - rose

smiley - cat

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 518


smiley - biggrinsmiley - ta mate smiley - smooch

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 519


It's a pleasure, I like spoiling all my lady friends. smiley - biggrin

Cos I's daft like that you know. smiley - laugh

smiley - cat

Hello Miz.....{home of the southern rose}

Post 520


Nah that's not daft, 'tis very sweet smiley - smooch

So did you get any goodies for Easter?

Ohh I got a bottle of wine as a gift, so should'nt complain smiley - smiley

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