This is the Message Centre for Miz307
Hello Miz........tis only I :-)
BMT Posted Nov 22, 2006
I gather there's been some problems with postings in some threads, guess thats why your messages have'nt shown.
Hope all is well.
Hello Miz........tis only I :-)
BMT Posted Nov 24, 2006
Hi, hope the mail got through, seems I'm sending out mails just now and they're either not getting through or being 'spammed'.
I've changed back from the Beta version mail program to the original one, seems to be ok again now.
Hope all is well, speak soon
Hello Miz........tis only I :-)
BMT Posted Nov 25, 2006
Hiya, good show, pleased to hear things are ok.
Could be better this end frankly but guess I'll carry on making the best of a bad lot. Hoping for a bit of positive news ref. the medical rehab people on Mon and Tues but not getting hopes up again,seems everytime I see a chink of light at end of tunnel some stoopid rule or reg comes into play that turns it off again.
Now I'll wait till something actually starts before I believe it.
I'll leave the usual goodies here for you, see you later take care.
Hello Miz........tis only I :-)
Miz307 Posted Nov 25, 2006
Why thank you and I hope the light becomes more visiable
Horrible here today gale force winds, rain and thunder not like
well I have a little more work to do in the kitchen and it's done
Catch ya soon
Hello Miz........tis only I :-)
BMT Posted Nov 25, 2006
Hello minx,
Forecast was for us to have severe storms too, has'nt happened yet.
You realise now the kitchen looks spanking new you'll probably start on the lounge next, then you'll decide curtains don't match or need freshening up!!
Been there, done that.
Still short on the old front, wonder why nature did'nt fit a switch so's we could turn the brain off when it goes into hyper-active mode?
Oh well, never mind eh, here's a topup for you,
ttfn, catch you later alligator.
Hello Miz........tis only I :-)
Miz307 Posted Nov 26, 2006
Hi Puss
Sorry you're still having sleep probs
Yes you're right about the decorating! although everywhere is near newly done, so no changes for a while.
See you soon
Hello Miz........tis only I :-)
BMT Posted Nov 27, 2006
hello, I'm still here just.
Got the meeting later re the training thing, I'll let you know what happens later. Not getting hopes up too high again just yet.
This close to christmas etc, doubt if anything will happen till January at earliest anyway even if something is sorted. Still, it's a possibility, who knows eh?
Hope all is well, I'll catch you later.
Hello Miz........tis only I :-)
BMT Posted Nov 27, 2006
Hah, no worries about christmas here, I've cancelled it.
Will you be seeing family over the yuletide period then?
Hello Miz........tis only I :-)
BMT Posted Nov 27, 2006
we could chat for the world let alone england.
Still so much to say too, still, plenty time eh?
ther you go, have a top up.
Hello Miz........tis only I :-)
BMT Posted Nov 28, 2006
Hiya, well so far so good, things still on course after the 2 meetings so far.
A couple more stages to get through but in theory should be formalities.
Hope all is well and you get shot of those sniffles and cough.
I'm hoping by time of cardiac clinic in a couple weeks time I'm clear enough to get my flu jab.
I should have a word directly with your Doctor about your jab too, you qualify under the rules as far as I can see having looked on the NHS Website.
catch you later, ta ra..
Hello Miz........tis only I :-)
Miz307 Posted Nov 28, 2006
Hi there ST
Glad things are moving in the right direction for you
with the rest of it
Thanks for the info, I will deffo be in touch with doc
Byesy bye
Hello Miz........tis only I :-)
BMT Posted Nov 29, 2006
Hi, had a trip to the barbers this morning. Had the usual, hair count and a polish.
Those were the days when I used to say summat like short, back and sides, plenty off top. Now its short back and sides and put some on top please!!
Well this weather is crazy, yesterday was short sleeves as it was so mild today it's arctic gear near enough.
Have to shoot off to town later finish off shopping, err, actually it's to get stuff I forgot yesterday!!
Catch you later, ta ta.
Hello Miz........tis only I :-)
Miz307 Posted Nov 30, 2006
Hi there
Yes weather is unsettled, you just never know what it's gonna be like! from one day to the next
Oh well you're like me, always forget something including me list
....dizzy moments
and I thought it was just blondes who were supposed to have them
Hello Miz........tis only I :-)
BMT Posted Dec 2, 2006
been there done that. The worst part is when I think I'm being clever and can remember what was on the list only to find on getting home I've duplicated stuff and forgotten basics.
You have mail waiting btw. {one from a new addy}
I'll see you later, hope all is well,
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Hello Miz........tis only I :-)
- 421: BMT (Nov 22, 2006)
- 422: BMT (Nov 24, 2006)
- 423: Miz307 (Nov 24, 2006)
- 424: BMT (Nov 25, 2006)
- 425: Miz307 (Nov 25, 2006)
- 426: BMT (Nov 25, 2006)
- 427: Miz307 (Nov 26, 2006)
- 428: BMT (Nov 27, 2006)
- 429: Miz307 (Nov 27, 2006)
- 430: BMT (Nov 27, 2006)
- 431: Miz307 (Nov 27, 2006)
- 432: Miz307 (Nov 27, 2006)
- 433: BMT (Nov 27, 2006)
- 434: Miz307 (Nov 28, 2006)
- 435: BMT (Nov 28, 2006)
- 436: Miz307 (Nov 28, 2006)
- 437: BMT (Nov 29, 2006)
- 438: Miz307 (Nov 30, 2006)
- 439: BMT (Dec 2, 2006)
- 440: Miz307 (Dec 2, 2006)
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