This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby


Post 201


Spidey...where do we put the marks out of ten? Under the works?
(Sorry, didn't do the last round, so very ignorant!!)smiley - erm



Post 202

Mel J

Sb, limit on entries?
I thought we were supposed to post 1 entry/title/person... ?

As for scoring, maybe the combo GentlyUnhinged/Fidjit could do it (like last time)? smiley - winkeye




Post 203


1 entry per title. Enter as many titles as you like.


Post 204


Will do the scoring if no one else wants to. As for limit on entries, maybe or have a set date for entry of stories, then for comments and then the votes. Is this going to take the fun out of it? Don’t know.


Post 205

Mel J

Haveago, see Spidey's post 166: deadline stories 11/09 but not clear whether this is deadline for crits and rewrites.

Sb, could you post clear date of deadline for story, crit, rewrite and scores, as there seems to be some
confusion amongst participants...




Post 206


Stories to be written and re written by 11th, unless anyone is away or has other commitments. Please let me know and we can extend it a bit. Then a week for everyone to get their scores done.


Post 207


I've got no intention of changing a word of mine, so just point me at everyone else's & give me some idea of the scoring system, please!


Post 208


Everyone posts the A-numbers here so you can read at your leisure, then they're all collated on the closing date. Scores are out of ten, using whatever criteria you think appropriate, but they are not posted until after the final date for amendments/rewrites, so we all need to read the final versions then. At least that's what we did last time.


Post 209

Mel J

Another quickie @ A2970489


Post 210


once the deadline is reached, will someone collate the entries & put them all in one post?


Post 211


Yes Weaver. Thanks Roy. For anyone who is still not clear.

You can write one story for each title. If you can only manage one story thats fine, if you want to do two , three or all four then thats ok too.
POst the A numbers here. Read and comment on all the other stories if you can manage it. That way if anyone wants to take up any point of critique and do a re write they can.

If everyone is ok with Sept 11th then thats the date for all stories to be in.

Lets give it a day or two after that for any re writes, say the 13th.

Don't post any scores until I say so. This will be after everyone has got all their entries in and any rewrites. I will then post a full list of all stories with writer's name and A number ie:

Spidey A*******
Roy A*******


you then copy and paste the list, adding your score out of ten for each story.
Spidey A******* 6/10
Roy A******* 8/10

And post it in this thread.

When everyone has posted their scores Haveago (bless you) will collate them, add them up and post the totals.
Anyone else who wishes to can add the scores as well. Just as well people did last time as I cocked it up!

Mel, I was just wondering about limiting the number of Entrants (people)in the list as , if we started getting too many it's going to take forever to read, crit and post scores and add up. I think we can manage the current list though.

Loudangelica has had to drop out because of other commitments. Hope everything is ok Ange.

If anyone else asks , refer them to this post!!!!!



Post 212


Sorry, I will collate the list, haveago will add up.

60 Word Challenge

Post 213



Low Tide

60 Word Challenge

Post 214


This is not an entry, just something I whipped up this minute as a bit of fun smiley - biggrin I think I managed to use all of the titles quite well smiley - ok

Low Tide et al
by Enigmatic1

"It's a long way down," whispered Sue, peering into the cave.
"I know," replied Dan, "but it's low tide so don't worry. Look, there it is!"
"Oh, my! We'll be in the morning papers with this. It's magnificent!"
"S**t, it's starting to rain. We'll have to come back tomorrow."
"Once again rain stops play. I hope it survives the night."

60 Word Challenge

Post 215


Is it just my overactive imagination, or did you deliberately type this so that it looks like the bow of a ship?smiley - winkeye


60 Word Challenge

Post 216


If any of you get bored, take a look at this poem for me. I wrote it earlier today about our very own GW.

60 Word Challenge

Post 217


lol Gerhard, well I'd be deceiving you if I didn't say I didn't unintend it... not. smiley - erm

60 Word Challenge

Post 218

Mel J

Sb, ref. to your post 211, I agree it would be better to limit number of participants, perhaps to 15?
If I'm right there's 13 at the moment (cc. post 198).
What do you think?



60 Word Challenge

Post 219


Hmm 13 is an unlucky number for some. smiley - erm
Anyhow, here's my second one - A2974115 - The Morning Papers

Bsmiley - smiley

60 Word Challenge

Post 220


two more

Low Tide

Rain Stops Play

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