This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

60 Word Challenge

Post 221


Hi people. Sorry I have not been here much over the weekend. Local hop festival and family matters have taken mych of my time and had me on a roller coaster of highs and lows.
Hopefully normal service resumed tomorrow. Glad to see the stories flowing in. Will be reading and commenting very shortly.
spideysmiley - magic

60 Word Challenge

Post 222


mych? Well we are going to be doing Allo, allo on stage next year!

Keep 'em coming guys.smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok
smiley - spider

60 Word Challenge

Post 223


It's a Long Way


60 Word Challenge

Post 224

Mel J

Low tide @ A2979363

60 Word Challenge

Post 225


It's A Long Way - A2979750
Yay! I finally got round to writing one!

60 Word Challenge

Post 226


And yet my effort has been neglected smiley - sadface Besides a comment that it looked like a ship lol.

60 Word Challenge

Post 227


and another
Low Tide - A2979822

Which one Enigmatic1? Sorry if I missed one. Point me to it and I shall speedily rectify the situation.

60 Word Challenge

Post 228


Page 11, post 214 smiley - biggrin Don't include it in the list, it's just one I did messing about to include all the titles.

60 Word Challenge

Post 229


A2979976 - Rain stops Play

Bsmiley - smiley

60 Word Challenge

Post 230


Enigmatic1-your little tale was very intriguing!

I had just been listening to a documentary about the raising of a shipwreck, hence my strange connective comment about your piece-well, it could be a ship, no?smiley - winkeye


60 Word Challenge

Post 231


Yes, indeed it could. Good observation.

60 Word Challenge

Post 232


Another one into the fold - Low Tide A2980064
This is my first virgin voyage to the challenge so please be gentle, not smiley - winkeye

60 Word Challenge

Post 233


And my second trip... A2980910

(If you were to look at my two 'A' numbers, it seems that 846 pieces have been penned in the last six hours. Yikes! smiley - yikes )

60 Word Challenge

Post 234


Can Loobyloo join in?

The Morning Papers A2980965

smiley - run

60 Word Challenge

Post 235


AND 55 in the last 29 minutes! smiley - wow!

Gawd, I SO need to get a life....smiley - wah

60 Word Challenge

Post 236


A2984835 - Morning papers

Finally done one. Feeling depressed. Will try and do a cheerful one tomorrow.


60 Word Challenge

Post 237

Mel J

Hi Sb,

Would it be possible to post an A-list of participants' works (like last time)?
As checklist for crits makes things kinda easier.



60 Word Challenge

Post 238


A2987959 - It's a long way


60 Word Challenge

Post 239


Done a list. Sorry if I've missed you - please add yourself to the end. I suggest for scoring, we all post scores in the order of the list to make adding 'em up easier - we wouldn't want any mistakes! smiley - winkeye.
Any new entries - chuck 'em on the end. Enig, your entry is no longer shipshape! If you want it included can you give it an A number, please? Sorry - I appear to have gone into bossy mode. I'll grab a smiley - redwine and chill.

Haveago A2968194
Weaver A2965278
Lyndabk A2968293
Bushkite A2969193
Gerhardt A2967546
Mel J A2970489
Roy A2968761
Bushkite A2974115
Haveago A2974296
Haveago A2974278
Haveago A2978337
Mel J A2979363
Spidey A2979750
Spidey A2979822
Bushkite A2979976
PenJen A2980064
PenJen A2980910
MRSLooRoll A2980965
Fidjit A2984835
Fidjit A2987959

60 Word Challenge

Post 240

Mel J

Ooeeerrrr... bossy Fidjit, lol!!
smiley - tongueout (don't matter, am on smiley - redwine too...)

Don't mind me, I'm just trying to keep up with the list.

smiley - laughsmiley - winkeye


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