This is the Message Centre for spiderbaby

60 Word Challenge

Post 261


I'm afraid that my "Morning Papers" story does not meet the criteria for the challenge, as it's only 54 words long !....sorry, I didn't read post no.1 before writing itsmiley - blush teach me to read the rules properly next time.


60 Word Challenge

Post 262

Mel J

Am halfway crits. Will post the rest tomorrow as I'm going out for a well deserved booze (had a rough week).

Catch you tomorrow most likely,



60 Word Challenge

Post 263


It doesn't have to be exactly 60 words, does it? That's just the maximum.

60 Word Challenge

Post 264


I thought the idea was that it was 60 words, but its not too late to add an extra 6, Gerhardt.

60 Word Challenge

Post 265


now 60 words exactly...smiley - biggrin


60 Word Challenge

Post 266


I was not counting individual stories. Just trusting that each of you would do the required 60 words. AAAAarrrrghh who is panicking?smiley - wah

Just got a couple to look at I think. Is every one finished?

60 Word Challenge

Post 267


Right lets muster in the courtyard

Haveago A2968194
Weaver A2965278
Lyndabk A2968293
Bushkite A2969193
Gerhardt A2967546
Mel J A2970489
Roy A2968761
Bushkite A2974115
Haveago A2974296
Haveago A2974278
Haveago A2978337
Mel J A2979363
Spidey A2979750
Spidey A2979822
Bushkite A2979976
PenJen A2980064
PenJen A2980910
MRSLooRoll A2980965
Fidjit A2984835
Fidjit A2987959
Fidjit A2988246
gently unhinged A2991503
gebtlyunhinged A2991477
Mrslooroll A2992089

24 Stories......well donesmiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - teasmiley - cakesmiley - choc
Is everybody here?
Any last minute entries?


60 Word Challenge

Post 268


Too late for me to write another. I'll try harder next time. And I'll crit them in the next couple of days.

60 Word Challenge

Post 269


Hi spidey
Is the plan still to do the voting today (Monday)? If sow will add up all the scores and post them early Tuesday when I get home from work. If that’s o.k. with everyone.

ago smiley - silly

60 Word Challenge

Post 270


Help - am lagging behind. How do we post the scores?
Make a list on here? When's the deadline?
Sorry - am scatterbrain.

loobysmiley - erm

60 Word Challenge

Post 271



Reading back to the last challenge, I reckon we copy and paste the list above, and mark each story out of 10.

I THINK that's also what we do for this one....

60 Word Challenge

Post 272


Doubt if everyone will post scores today. It will probably take a couple of days so don't worry too much. It'll probably take a few days havago. Some of the guys will prob add up too but you are the official adder upper! I copied and pasted the list to word adding the scores to me list and then checked back and forth to the thread. It might have been easier to do it with a pen and paper and then double check with a calculator.

You prob have a younger and more numeric brain then me!!!!!

Was told by my maths teacher back in '71 not to bother taking GSE math as I did not have a hope in hell of passing!

60 Word Challenge

Post 273


See post 267 for the list.
Yes GR copy and paste the list into word or notepad, add the scores and then copy and paste back to thread.


Title..number 4/10
title..number 8/10

easy peasy

Then havago can to the sums.

60 Word Challenge

Post 274


Hah-bit like me then, spidey?smiley - winkeye

Off out for a bit, will try to do scoring later.


60 Word Challenge

Post 275


No problem I’ll wait until all 12 sets of votes are in (I think it’s 12 if wrong let me know). Then will post the results.

ago smiley - silly

60 Word Challenge

Post 276

Mel J

Ok, will post scores later.

Best to double check results before officially announcing winner, lol!
No offence meant, Haveago, but you might see double after a while... smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh



60 Word Challenge

Post 277


Haveago A2968194 7/10
Weaver A2965278 6/10
Lyndabk A2968293 7/10
Bushkite A2969193 6/10
Gerhardt A2967546 8/10
Mel J A2970489 9/10
Roy A2968761 7/10
Bushkite A2974115 6/10
Haveago A2974296 6/10
Haveago A2974278 7/10
Haveago A2978337 5/10
Mel J A2979363 7/10
Spidey A2979750
Spidey A2979822
Bushkite A2979976 9/10
PenJen A2980064 8/10
PenJen A2980910 7/10
MRSLooRoll A2980965 8/10
Fidjit A2984835 7/10
Fidjit A2987959 6/10
Fidjit A2988246 7/10
Gently unhinged A2991503 7/10
Gebtlyunhinged A2991477 6/10
Mrslooroll A2992089 6/10

spideysmiley - ok

60 Word Challenge

Post 278


Haveago A2968194 -
Weaver A2965278 7/10
Lyndabk A2968293 7/10
Bushkite A2969193 9/10
Gerhardt A2967546 6/10
Mel J A2970489 8/10
Roy A2968761 8/10
Bushkite A2974115 8/10
Haveago A2974296 -
Haveago A2974278 -
Haveago A2978337 -
Mel J A2979363 7/10
Spidey A2979750 8/10
Spidey A2979822 9/10
Bushkite A2979976 7/10
PenJen A2980064 6/10
PenJen A2980910 6/10
MRSLooRoll A2980965 8/10
Fidjit A2984835 6/10
Fidjit A2987959 8/10
Fidjit A2988246 8/10
Gentlyunhinged A2991503 8/10
gentlyunhinged A2991477 6/10
MrsLooRoll A2992089 7/10

ago smiley - silly

60 Word Challenge

Post 279


Haveago A2968194 – 6/10
Weaver A2965278 – 7/10
Lyndabk A2968293 – 7/10
Bushkite A2969193 – 7/10
Gerhardt A2967546 – 8/10
Mel J A2970489 – 8/10
Roy A2968761 – 7/10
Bushkite A2974115 – 8/10
Haveago A2974296 – 8/10
Haveago A2974278 – 6/10
Haveago A2978337 – 7/10
Mel J A2979363 – 8/10
Spidey A2979750 – 8/10
Spidey A2979822 – 7/10
Bushkite A2979976 – 7/10
PenJen A2980064 – 9/10
PenJen A2980910 – 7/10
MRSLooRoll A2980965 – 7/10
Fidjit A2984835 -
Fidjit A2987959 -
Fidjit A2988246 -
gently unhinged A2991503 - 7/10
gebtlyunhinged A2991477 – 8/10
Mrslooroll A2992089 – 7/10

60 Word Challenge

Post 280


Haveago A2968194 6

Lyndabk A2968293 8
Bushkite A2969193 8
Gerhardt A2967546 8
Mel J A2970489 7
Roy A2968761 5.0
Bushkite A2974115 9
Haveago A2974296 8
Haveago A2974278 8.5
Haveago A2978337 6.5
Mel J A2979363 8
Spidey A2979750 9
Spidey A2979822 8
Bushkite A2979976 8
PenJen A2980064 7
PenJen A2980910 8
MRSLooRoll A2980965 8
Fidjit A2984835 6
Fidjit A2987959 6.5
Fidjit A2988246 7.5
Gentlyunhinged A2991503 7
Gentlyunhinged A2991477 7.5
MRSLooRoll A2992089 9

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