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Phrase/words at school

Post 1


I'm now teaching English to small smiley - chicks twice a week.
I feel bit nervous at the moment with this job as I'll have extra smiley - chicks on Monday and I'll teach three times a week instead smiley - groan (I'll have 9 classes a week... pupils are from 4 to 12 smiley - yikes the number of smiley - chicks are from 1 to 4 (max))
Something that I want to know are what words, phrase teachers, pupils use at school.
for example
How puplil call their teacher??? Sir, Miss? or Teacher??
How teacher tell ... when they are noisy or he/she wants to make them concentrate/focus on him/her... cos very small kids never have any patiens... Be quiet is too strict, I suppose...
when they finish class, how teacher say? "It's all for today"?
"Off to Go"????
Take a seat.
Put aside or Clean up???? Take off your stuff from you bag...
Please tell me whatever you associate words with school/classrooms smiley - chick
Ta for your help smiley - biggrin

ps I do hope I have spare time to enjoy here as well as Absolutely Fabulous and Catherine Tate... kind of comedy smiley - laugh

Phrase/words at school

Post 2

Anoldgreymoonraker Free Tibet

I heard on r2 this afternoon that teachers in the uk were supposed to teach phonics first ,all44 sounds so that children should be able to read for themselves
It was a long time ago but I remember we used miss or mrs nantoka sir or mister nantoka when addressing the teachers smiley - biggrin

Phrase/words at school

Post 3


Hi Taeko,as far as I can remember,teachers in class are called Miss,Mrs.or Sir,as the case maybe.Getting younger children to be attentive is difficult at the best of times.Clapping your hands together,telling them you would like them all to be seated as you have something important to tell pictures of animals,food,toys,or even landmarks around the world,may just keep them interested enough to hold their attention for more than a few minutes.Class normaly closed with huge encouragement,ie....You all worked so well today...I'm sad class is over for today as I have something so exciting to share with you all..This could be more pictures in preparation for next lesson,keep them interested,if you know what I mean ? hahahahha Just a couple of ideas you may find helpful Taeko.I will be e-mailing you soon.Promise.Take care Love Jackie xxxx

Phrase/words at school

Post 4


smiley - ta Jackie,
They make me lots of idea how to tell to chick.

Hope chicks do understand those words smiley - rofl

How you say to make their stuff tidy, "put aside all your stuff", or "Clean up"?

aarrgggghhhh confusing lol

I'll ask chicks to call me as "Miss" lol

See you soon, Love

Phrase/words at school

Post 5


Hi Taeko,clear away your things,seems OK ! Then again ,you could scream STUFF,TIDIED,NOW ,PRONTO !!! hhahahahahahhaha Seriously,just stick to clear your personal items away thankyou,they'll like you better miss hahahahhaha Catch you soon.Take care Love Jackie xxxx

Phrase/words at school

Post 6

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

could this be of help??

Phrase/words at school

Post 7


Jackie, "Thank" you!
This thread has become more and more schoollife like smiley - laugh
When child "squeeze" to their friend by mistake, he/she should say "I'm sorry (at the mo, forget about bless you. hll)", then the children who will be spitted/squeezed may say...
"It's okay", or "No problem" Is this fine?
The "grrrrr" thing is that that is I who will tell/teach those phrase at the same time .... AAARRRGGGGHHHH

So, like
I don't understand, wait a minute (hang on), thank you, you're welcome, I'm sorry, Excuse me.... and its react, too... OH NOOOOOOOOOOO.

So, So, if all of you suggest any single words help me a lot smiley - biggrin

Prof.smiley - hug
smiley - ta for the link, it's also useful, especially first one, I think.
Thank you for your replies in any occasion smiley - love


Phrase/words at school

Post 8


Hi Taeko,and lovely to see you here Prof.,it is a problem I confess Taeko,teaching small children who won't understand the phrases in English to begin with.Probably best to chastise in Japanese,then explain how to apologise in English to the child,for example,I'm sorry,please forgive me,I didn't mean to do that (even though he\she did hahahahha) I know your going to be the best teacher,don't worry.Speak soon Love Jackie xxxxx

Phrase/words at school

Post 9


Yup, Jackie, it's true. For me it's bit hard to do that.
And all my English friends told me that I should not use English, but if I do so, I don't know how to teach them. Cos, I'm Japanese, too. If I were you, I could teach them in English only, but I can't because I don't know much phrases nor words as you're using in everyday life.
And when I speak both English and Japanese, that is I who get confused between langueages smiley - headhurts lol. One more problem is that smiley - chicks don't know much about Japanese, neither ... Mothers want them to be bilinguals.... I think it's impossible, cos they are Japanese. lol

Anyway, as I mentioned above, if you suggest me everyday words as much as you can, they will help me a lot smiley - laugh


Phrase/words at school

Post 10


Hi Taeko,I do understand your problem.The children are very young.I suggest teaching with pictures for example ... the number 1,shown to the class and say....a picture of a white rabbit....Teaching them in one fair swoop with numbers,colour and the word rabbit ! Taking it slowly seems the way to success.If your not sure about my explanation,please let me know and I'll do my best to simplify ok ? Hope your keeping well.I will be mailing you soon.I'm almost sane again now (Mothers Day is over)hahahahhahaha Take care Love Jackie xxxxxxxxxx

Phrase/words at school

Post 11


I'm going to Russia over the summer to teach English for two weeks, so I've been learning how to teach English to people who don't speak it very well, without me knowing any Russian. It's quite difficult!

smiley - panda

Phrase/words at school

Post 12

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

a challenge you will overcome my friend, enjoy your time there

Phrase/words at school

Post 13


Mmmmmmm,that is a problem Cy.Hopefully your students can teach you Russian as you teach them English.I hope it all goes well for you. ....Hi Prof xxx Hi Taeko,I WILL be mailing you ,soon hahahaha Love Jackie xxx

Phrase/words at school

Post 14


smiley - lurk
Hiya all smiley - hug
I'm on spring holidays now smiley - laugh
Yeah, the new class will start from the second week of April smiley - biggrin
(every class to me, both teaching English and LEARING FRENCH, JAPANESE CALLIGRAPHY starts from the same week) So, I'm now absorbed with smiley - books lol Finished the Mitford Girls (Japanese version, I can't wait to get original/English version I ordered a few weeks ago), then... now "DAS BUCH HITLER (in Japanese it calls "the Hitler Code")"smiley - yikes hahahahah, one of the daughters of the Mitford, Unity, led me to Hitler smiley - rofl, though I'm interested in English novels much more than H, or biographies. lol
smiley - ta for all your respons on this thread, all helps me a lot. I write all phrases that you meitioned down to my notebook smiley - laugh

Cyzaki, I think, if your student don't understand any single English, then you have to tell them how to say in English when they don't understand what you say, so...
"I don't understand", "Please speak slowly"... kind of phrases as well as greetings smiley - ok otherwise they won't say anything but "yes" or "no" smiley - rofl So, it's better for you to study/learn how to say "I don't understand", "Please speak slowly" in Russian, too smiley - geek
I do hope your student will be in elementary or intermediate level, not BEGINNER smiley - yuk

smiley - diva

Phrase/words at school

Post 15


I think the Russian students will be all levels - some will be good at English but never heard someone from England speaking English, while some will be beginners. It'll be good fun!

smiley - panda

Phrase/words at school

Post 16


Lucky you, Cyzaki smiley - biggrin
Enjoy yourself with your students and hope all thing that you'll be done will be your fabulous experiences smiley - winkeye


PLEASE TELL ME, when you speak to children as causion, etc...
Mind your step, something like those phrases and
When they are too naughty, how you say to them?
I know it depends what they are doing...
But if you can please tell me some phrases when they are too naughty.

one more thing is how children learn "right (hand side)" and "left (hand side)" smiley - rofl .....
Lots of things that I have to learn at the mo smiley - geek

smiley - diva

Phrase/words at school

Post 17


If children are naughty, you say 'No!' or 'Stop that!', or 'If you do that again, you will be punished.'

To learn their left from their right, find out if they write with their left hand or their right hand, then go from there.

smiley - panda

Phrase/words at school

Post 18

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

Taamyu, easy way for left/right...hold your hands up in front of you, with thumbs facing inwards and fingers upwards, you will notice that your left index finger and thumb make the letter L..therefore left hand

Phrase/words at school

Post 19


New classes has started smiley - grovel
Such active smiley - chicks I've got..... 12 smiley - chicks altogether, though 4 are the max for one class...
New smiley - chicks are very difficult to teach at first.... The difficulty is that they did learn very very slight English words, that makes me more difficult to teach them English smiley - groan cos they don't understand what I say IN ENGLISH..... smiley - yikes They only remember alphabet and some noun... But, I'll try to speak to them as all of you here adviced me smiley - biggrin
Clapping hands is very effective, Pinky smiley - laugh
Havnen't started to tell which is left, which is right. But I'll tell them soon with song, "You put out your left hand out..." smiley - diva
dancing and singing is neccesary for them all the time, so, I get really tired after classes smiley - grovel
But as my smiley - doctor adviced me, I'll keep this with smiley - chicks until I really disguse or can't stand noisy, talkative smiley - chicks and mothers... lol
smiley - hug
smiley - diva

Phrase/words at school

Post 20


Hi Taeko,I am thinking of you ,and do try pictures as I suggested earlier,I'm sure it will help too x Keep going girl hahahhaha I'll mail you soon.Spain was wonderful,but sadly,since I returned home,I've been so busy ,I haven't had time to relax yet Taeko hahahahha Mail me if you need any urgent advice with the brats OK ? Take care.Speak soon Love Jackie xxxx

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