This is the Message Centre for Peta

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 81


Thanks very much for all the suggestions! smiley - ok

I haven't had time to work with them yet, I've been busy preparing for a big meeting on Thursday, and a few of the team are out of the office at the moment. (Actually that's an understatement - I'm on my own today with a temp!)

When I've done some work on the list I'll come back and report back to you all. Many thanks for your wonderfully creative suggestions, it's great to have your input! It really does help... smiley - smiley

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 82

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Might I sugest 42ers Rather, rather like the 49ers,
or even
for two er know more ask a 42er as a catch phrase

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 83


Good, but we're talking BBC messageboards and discussion areas, rather than h2g2... And 42ers sounds a bit *too* hitchhikers maybe? smiley - smiley

But thanks for the suggestion, if you come up with any more we'd really like to hear them! smiley - smiley

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 84

Ancient Brit

Beeb Combers

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 85

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

3 months futher over grown with Alan Titchmarsh grass!

Peta, anything decided?

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 86

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traeveller in Time smiley - tit on top
"The 'Demolition Party'

Hmm, perhaps a bit too HitchHiker. (but I can post)"

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 87

Digital Led . . ignorance is bliss

Additional Changes

Well, I am trying to keep on topic smiley - winkeye (but I can post)

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 88

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

(but I can post)

you live in area of freedom of speech, do not you forget it!

Creative Minds needed! Give us your suggestions!

Post 89

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit posting free of charge but far off topic
"< F48000?thread=561386 >

One 'Newbee'? having problems posting will be a sign in problem.
'Vice-Mistress Kat' < U234368 > should have no problems with signing in. "

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