This is the Message Centre for The Xand Man...Master and owner of the Scooby's ice-cream truck....2+3+9x4-8-6=42

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1601

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Hey Xander:

Just to let you know, Im off.. yep thats right, the funny smell is me!! smiley - biggrin

Got an advert for Test The Nation flashing at the top of the screen and its now too strong to ignore so Im going to give my brain cell a good work out!

Speak soon mate!
smiley - love Will

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1602

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

Got a new guide entry.....
Check this out....

I hope u don't mind Xaneder, Anya & Willow, but i used sum of ur guide entries on it..... They're very good btw.......

smiley - love Faith xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1603

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

Oooooops sorry Xander, spelt ur name wrong xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1604

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

Ooooops, i just reported myself to the monitors......Blimin idiot!! lmao.....

Hi guys, just dashin in & out again, just thought i'd say Hi, Hope ur all well.

I'll be on 2nite Hopefully i'll catchaz then

smiley - love F xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1605

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Xander + Anya: Hiya folks. I had a thought, just the one but I a very clever little cookie!! I learnded something today and will be using my new learnded skill to do these..... A2145214 ...... aint I a clever smiley - bunny (smiley - sorry Anya hunni!! smiley - biggrin)

That is mainly wot I did today!
Also, there's a great thread on my page, especially for you Xand, you'll know it when you see it!!

Take care guys,
smiley - love Will

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1606


Hi Will

How are you hun ??

AARRGGGHHH smiley - bunny about smiley - rofl

smiley - love Anya smiley - devil

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1607

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Anya, hey!

Im stressed, bro's been home all of two hours and is irritating me already. Gonna play around with the new guide entry thing I started.

Howz you hun?

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1608


Hey Black eyed girl, what'cha doing...Just finished work and relaxing with my baby, been another sh*t day, I'll tell you about it later. So your brother is being his normal self then?

smiley - biggrin Xander

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1609

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Hey Xand,

Sorry I haven't answered sooner, had a brain wave so Ive been playing with chats and tables and stuff.

In the few hours he's been home, he's had me running up and down the street pushing his smiley - bleep bike, trying to get it started, turned the living room into a bigger bombsite than usual, broken my fav mug and let the cat out! He was meant to go and buy me McDonalds when the bike worked but instead has chosen to go out with his friends.....
Oh and after all that I had a shower, when I got out, my knee is a multitude of prettiness and twice the size it was when got in!
And to top it all of, the tv guy didn't bother booking in the return visit for today so my tv's still smiley - bleep...... Just another normal day really!!

Right, rant over, going in search of food as I could starve before bro comes home... IF he comes home!

Be back soon!

smiley - love Will

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1610


Sounds like just another day in paradise.

So get this one, the directors, in there ultimate wisdom, have decided that the DSM on duty for the evening rush hour, is to maintain position on the south coast platforms and not leave, unless it is an emergency, not even when a customer comes into reception demanding to see the DSM and that we are to deal with the complaint that they are making and that the DSM is unavailable until the end of rush hour, which just happens to be when most of the complaints are made....Smart eh!!!

Your brother sounds like a regular gent, although my cousin used to be a bit like that, you'd send him for some munchies and he wouldn't come back until the next morning.

smiley - biggrin Xander

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1611

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Thats not his best trick, he plays Aerosmith on his guitar, all amped up at 8am!

So I'll get shaken out of bed by 'Crazy' tomorrow!

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1612

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

Hey gang, howz u all doin 2day??


Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1613


OH dear things in Scooby land not seeming too happy at the moment, I am actually glad to have sriven home for Christmas to be away from G! Family are being supernice after my busy term and I am about to venture into town... could be the end of my happy mood!

Hope things improve!

Tara xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1614

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

Hey ppl, Howz the Scooby family 2day?? xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1615


Hey Faith

I'm good just finished my last shift of the week smiley - laugh back to work on monday though smiley - grr

How are you hun ??

smiley - love Anya smiley - devil xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1616

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

Hey Anya, I'm fine thanx... although i have a sore mouth, dunno wots happened but the inside of my lip is a bit swallen.....
WOO HOO 4 U!! no work til monday....
i bet ur lookin 4ward 2 a relaxing wkend...
smiley - bubblysmiley - love F xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1617



I'm just waiting for Xander to come home from work so we can relax as we've got my mum coming over tomorrow so it's hardly woo-hoo for me lmao

How's your mum now hun ??

smiley - love Anya smiley - devil

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1618

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

She's doin well hun, thanx 4 askin, She's been let out of the hospital 4 the wkend 2 stay with my auntie, 2 c how she copes.... I'm goin up there 2moro 2 c her, as my auntie has 2 go out for a while & she doesn't want my mum 2 be on her own..... also 2moro My sis..(Buffy) is coming 2 visit me... so quite a busy day 2moro....

Have u seen my new links yet?
Faith fan club A2143595
Role playin game A2143207

Wot d'u think hun??

smiley - lovesmiley - biggrin F xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1619

Faithlicious a.k.a (The Scooby Gangs) Faith, Slayer of all thingz Demonic. (Also a major Lord of the rings fan)

OOOPssmiley - doh I meant Guide entries, not xx

Hey Scooby Gang

Post 1620


Hiy folks

This is my rather poor attempt to find a house online for next yeatr, Buffy such a distraction!! Even though I haven't much watched BtVS over the last few weeks save for the ones on the tele now I am at home with my parents for Xmas I am feelign bereft already!

Glad your Ma is a little better Faith - best wishes to her for Xmas time.

Make Mother in law do the washing up Anya, particualrly sastifying! In my last relationship I ended up getting on better with the mother than my so called partner!! We missed each other after the nasty nasty split!!! smiley - smiley Maybe you and Xander's ma will be bosom buddies! Now I'm typing this and wondering if it as your ma coming over, arhg might be a daftpost!

Willow - Are you around? Sorry contact already so sporadic!! Biggest drawback in home living!! Though just got fed big roast...mmmm! Miss you already!

TAra xx

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Hey Scooby Gang

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